-Considerable anxiety was occasioned in the City on Monday and Tuesday, by t pon-arrival of the British Queen, and as much as five guineas per cent. was Itr,
ezi =insure her at Lloyd's. These fears were happily dissipated on Thurs. y,', by the intelligence of her arrival. She has brought about 100,0001. is
specie,:for the agent of the United States Bank, and remittances for the divi• dends upon some of the American Securities which will become due on the lit. of January, and the non-arrival of which we noticed some time ago afacause of great uneasiness to the holders. Her arrival has not produced any material change in the value of American Stocks ; but during the week there has been a. growing demand for the debentures of Messrs. ROTHSCIIILDS' recent Loan, the Scrip of which has been 16 and li premium. The occurrence of the Christmas bolydays has rather increased the indispo- sition to business to which we last week alluded. The Consul market evinced symptoins of weakness on Monday, on the occasion of a considerable sale for the Account by the broker who usually acts for the London Agent of Scotch Banks ; but the price has rallied again, and from 9IL is now 92 to A. Exche- quer Bills had been steady, at from 5s. to 3s. dis., but have to-day been done at Is. dia. India arc Ss. dis. Bank Stock has remained at 177i and 178 ; India Stock at from 254 to 255. Long Annuities maintain their recent im- proved quotations, and are to-day at 14. There seems to be a disposition fur =vestment in this security, the apparently large interest acting as a temp- tation.
.In the Foreign Market there has been a considerable depression. In Dutch Stock, the Second Chamber of the States-General having refused their sanc- tion to the proposed luau, although the Finance :■I Mister declared that by so doing they would risk the public credit, this expressionwas interpreted to mean that unless the loan was mule the coming dividend could not be paid ; and as a fall of 1per cent. had occurred in Amsterdam, the Two-and-a-half per Cents. declined here to 52: but more recent advices from Holland having noted all improvement in their funds, a reaction of about i' per cent. has been the con- sequence here. We need scarcely add, that the hairs as to the payment of the ...dividend are totally unfounded. Brazilian and the other South American Securities remain unchanged. Mexican Bonds are rather in demand.
The recent interview between the Commissioners for Venezuela and the Committee of South American Bondholders, which we alluded to in our last report, has not been productive of any beneficial result, the Commissioner nut Leung the power to modify. his proposal in any degree : he has, however, yro- Mised to write fin. instructions, and if possible to obtain another proposition from his Government. Some correspondence has passed between .Mr. G. R. BonoisoN, the Chairman of the ;there-named Committee, and Messrs. Haw, Iavtain, and Cu., upon the subject of the resolution passedat the recent meet- ing of the Boodholders, cm nth:inning the latter gentlemen for lending the sanc- tion of their eminent mercantile reputation to the recent propositions ; in Which Alessrs• Klan and Co. defend their conduct by stating, that their part of the business was purely ministerial ; that they were bound,as agents to the Government of Venezuela, to submit all communications to the Bondholders without delay ; and as they felt that speculation as to the proposed conversion Lad carried the price of Columbian Bonds higher than in their opinion the Cir. eurastances warranted, they were eapecially called upon to do so in this instance : they add, that they believe the present proposal to be its fit- vourable to the Bondholders as any that the Venezuelan Government could make with the ebanee of an honest 1..,,i1n,nalice of its conditions. Mr. HoniNsos, Aill tile otaer hand, asserts that the revenues, vs well as the social aid financial condition or Venezuela, are in a state of rapid improve- matt, ;ill that the Repidilie is now in a condition to pay much more than has been offered, as she has for sonic years applied a considerable surplus revenue to the extinction of her home debt; and that in a few years she will be able, from her increased means, to discharge the whole of the present amount of debt, and all arrears of interest, even if the last item continue to accumulate at its present rate. little business has been doing in Portuguese Securities ; which are nomi- nally at our last quotations. Some considerable liminess lint occurred in Spanish Active Stock ; which was on Tuesday as high ai 251. The price has since receded to 246, but has rallied again to 25. 'Ibis itopruvement is the result of a general belief that the prolonged resistance of Caner:1U will soon terminate ; which has induced several investments ; and as the market has thereby been cleared of the Stock throw,' upon it by the recent decline, it is in a touch inure healthy state titan for sonic time past SATtantav, TWELvE o'CLorK. Consols fur Account haw improved, and have been done at 92k. Exchequer Bills are :Ss. to Is. dis. ; and the general appLarance of the Money Market is firmer. 'lie lat-,inesi in the Foreign Funds is very limited ; Spanish Active is heavier, and tins been done at 241; the others are nominally at yesterday's prices.
S rruirew, Fart taCt.oeir. The Consul market is rather firmer than in the morning, the price fur At- e t being 114 :■:11ers. Exchequer Bills have been done at par in the course of the aftertas,■,, and close at 2 dis. to par. Tim United. States Bank Deben- tures (Itterns.• .1 i Los') are also advancing gradually and have been done at 2 prem. In the 1:;;;Tign Market, Coittioltian Bonds (lave been done at 21, at which price there wcre at one time sellers ; but have since rallied, and dm': it the morning's price. Spanish was for some time quoted at 24L 25, but clews at 24 z.. The other Foreign Funds arc without variation.
3 per Can. Consols Ditto tor Account . 921 I
3 per Ceut. Itedueed
901 4
31 per Cent. Ditto New 31 psr Cents 954 9 shut Bunk Stock
Exchequer BiEs 3 1 dis.
- India Stuck for Account 1:54 1:35
Ilr,ziliati 5 per cents
WM:Hi 5 per Cents
71i1m2s 11 Cel:nehise D per Cents. 1524
Danish :S per Cents.
Ibitell 2 per Conti 731 41 531 1 Portugus,11egeoey 5 per Cts. 331 1
Ditto 3 per Cent,
234 5
fin: aims 5 per Cents.
DU 112 Spabish (Aeive) 241 ,r,