" Mr Lords" of the Treasury promise Penny Postage on the of January ! Thank you, my Lords, for surpassing our expects= '
tions. Though assured that the fourpenny charge was only an introduction to the minimum rate, we had misgivings that a con-
siderable time would elapse before the latter would be brought into operation. The business of weighing is found of easier accom- plishment, we presume, than the functionaries anticipated; while. the increase in the number of letters posted, in consequence of the partial reduction of charge, must have inspired confidence in the success of Mr. limes plan when fully carried out. A diminu- tion of revenue in the first years of the new system has always been assumed.
The Treasury Minute, which we insert, shows the modus operandi—the details of the coming change. It will be seen that
the public are to have the choice of stamped sheets of paper,
stamped covers, stamped envelopes, adhesive stamps. Some time will elapse before these can be prepared ; but in the meanwhile—
that is, on the 10th of January—a penny " pre-paid" will frank half an ounce weight of written paper, be it two sheets, three' sheets, or any number of pieces, to any part of the United King- dom. Official franking and the Queen's privilege are to cease on. the same day.
Alas for a number of poor creatures in both Houses of Parliament! with franking, their principal occupation will be gone. What a de- duction from the personal importance of not a few "Representa- tives of the People !" And we fear that the " exclusives" of both sexes will repine at the levelling measure, which tends to put Peer and pauper so fitr upon an equal footing. It is to be feared there yet breathe in England some who would fain repress the de- sire for information and mental improvement, which is the most cheering symptom in our state of society ; and they may shake their heads against the change. With these exceptions all will rejoice. The dread of paper-stationers, more than a single and resolute eye to the best method, must have influenced the Post-office func- tionaries when they decided on Au,. different modes of stamping. If there is any danger of forgery, of course it is much increased by allowing all descriptions of paper to be stamped. The security arising from Mr. DiesiNsox's invention is in part lost to the revenue. To manufacture paper of the description he exhibited to the Committee, would be expensive, and to make it secretly in any large quantity, almost impossible : to counterfeit a die from which an immense number of impressions can be taken without discovery, would probably be easy to many ingenious workmen. But what are these considerations in competition with the possible, not pro- bable, loss to paper-makers ? Touch not their vested interests. Put public in one scale and any private interest in the other, and public kicks the beam. So it was in the beginning and is now. Pence will become absolute necessaries of life until the stamps supersede them,—for of those most people will buy at least a shilling's worth at a time, while the great bankers and merchants will make their purchases by the bale. It has been suggested for the benefit of dandies whose fingers tingle at the touch of copper, that a quantity of silver pennies should be coined ; and, with a handsome allowance of alloy, they might be made sufficiently tan- gible without exceeding the standard value. Postage apart, this would be a convenience.
During the first week of January tradesmen are busy making out their bills, and preparing to despatch those pleasant missives.. But we understand that not a bill will be sent through the Post- office before the 10th prox. ; so debtors need not dread dunning, till that awful day, when sorely will consumers on credit be harassed with requests for cash, from gentlemen who " have large sums to make up." There will be more long faces in the land on the 11th of January than on any other day of the ensuing year. Mins:nix
and expect. curses, not thanks, from debtors, for your New- Year's Gift.