[To the Editor of TuE SPECTATOR.]
Sm.,—The news, as reported in our Press, of the sixty-six death sentences recently carried out by the Soviet Government must have caused deep disquietude to supporters of political freedom in this country, who had been led to hope that terrorist methods had ceased in Russia. The signatories of this letter, who have never refused to associate themselves with protests against breaches of civil and political liberty in their own or any other country, feel impelled to register their profound disappointment that a great country, which has so recently entered the League of Nations, should follow up this fine gesture on behalf of European peace by what appears to be a return to that political oppression which paves the way, not to peace and conciliation, but to war and chaos. Our belief that Russia has a vital part to play in keeping the peace of the world is our reason for making a protest which is also an appeal to those higher qualities and aspirations which alone enable a nation to become a power for civilization.— Yours, &c., F. LEWIS DONALDSON ; G. P. GOOCH ; JULIAN S. HUXLEY ; HENRIETTA LESLIE ; HENRY W. NEVINSON ; EVELYN SHARP.