The Past Year NEXT week I shall hope td deal as far as may be possible with the commercial and financial -prospects for 1985. From what follows later, however, I think it will......
Miss Cameron Is Well Known For Her Work Ill Connexion
with the Lincoln experiment. That experiment's practical value did not emerge at once, for it seemed to fall under the charge of being a sentimental rather than a real tackling......
The Saar Up - To - Date Numerous As Recent Books On The Saar
have been, all of them necessarily end before• the developments of the last three or four weeks. Particular value, therefore, attaches to a memorandum (The Saar Plebiscite,......
Current Literature
LIFE AND ART IN PHOTOGRAPH These volumeg of 'photographs (The Italian: Renaissance, edited by A. K. Wickham ' The Polar, Regions, edited by J. AL Scott ; A Book of _Dogs—Chatto......