The opening of a new calendar year does not neces- sarily involve changes of substance for daily or weekly papers, and the aim of The Spectator in 1985 will be to follow in all essentials the traditions set in 1984, when a steady rise in circulation appeared to indicate that the paper was continuing to meet its readers' needs. Among arrangements for the next few weeks it may be mentioned that, beginning with the issue of January 4th, Rose Macaulay will contribute a weekly column of casual comment on events and affairs ; that H. P. Greenwood, whose book on " The German Revolu- tion " was recently reviewed in our columns, is on his way to the Saar as special correspondent of this journal ; that we shall next week begin the publication of a short series of articles on " A Progressive Policy," the writers including the Marquess of Lothian (The Economic Role of Liberalism), Lord Eustace Percy (Foreign Affairs), Lord Astor (Agriculture), Sir Arthur Salter (Planned Socialization), Captain Harold Macmillan, M.P. (The Future of Banking) ; and that a little later, in view of the coming Silver Jubilee celebrations, a series of studies of aspects of the twenty-five years' reign will be contributed by a well-known writer, whose name will be announced in due course.