They are certainly happier about the physical condition of the
unemployed. The new regulations issued by the Unemployment Assistance Board stood the test of a three days' debate remarkably well. They are far in advance in generosity of anything that has been produced up to now by any Government, and in the division lobby they received the support of every section and sub- section of the Government's supporters. There is also a feeling that, following on the despatch of troops to the Saar, there will be a firmer and more courageous handling of foreign policy. Altogether whatever its position in the constituencies, the Government is stronger in the House of Commons than it was a few weeks ago. The revolt of the young men has had its effect. What is still lacking is that co-ordination and evidence of drive which the situation demands. Members quote to one another the remark of Mr. Bonar Law to Mr. Asquith during the War, to the effect that " at a time like this it is not merely ne•oes- sary to be active, you have to seem active." There is still the appearance of complacency on the Government Front Bench, even if there arc signs that it is now happily more apparent than real.
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