SIR,—The admirable letter which you publish from Mr. C. Scott,
who tells us that he is an undergraduate of is an encouraging sign of rare intellectual independence in the young, who generally like to feel themselves in the swim of whatever current orthodoxy masquerades as the product of deep reflection. " All the truly astonishing ingenuity" which he quite rightly discerns in the popular theologies is, of course,
to be found in every sophistical attempt to import dogmatic postulates into the Christian faith. If he seeks for a constructive exposition of that faith, shorn of all abstract doctrinal shibboleths, he would be well advised to consult the works of Berdayev, beginning with his last enttiled Slavery and Freedom ; and also to read the first and last chapters of Schweitzer's Quest for the Historical Jesus ; the last chapter of his Mysticism of Paul the Apostle ; and, if he is interested in philosophy, the whole of