28 DECEMBER 1945, page 4

This Country Owed A Very Great Debt To General Patton,

who was one of the really outstanding soldiers of the war. There were many unattractive things about him, his flamboyance, his sense of show- manship, his rigidly reactionary......

Most People Who Write At All Could Contribute Something...

quoting to a symposium on printer's errors. A rather agreeable one is recalled by Canon Anthony Deane in the memories he has just published under the title Time Remembered.......

A Spectator 's Notebook

T HE Home Secretary is among the Ministers who are shaping best, and he talked good sense last week about an Oswald Mosley meet- ing, or dinner, of which the popular Press—I......

The Announcement That " At Trinity Hall Mr. Robert Anthony

Eden, P.C., LL.D., has been elected into an honorary Fellowship " prompts a question. Why has Mr. Eden—or shall we say Dr. Eden? —who-attained distinction (a first in Oriental......

The B.b.c. Reached A High Level In Its Round-the-world...

on Christmas Day. Having switched on with the expectation of being bored, I found myself greatly impressed. The fragments of talk from the different parts of the......

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Passionately eager to prevail on humanity to achieve the colossal saving of time and space involved In writing words like bomb as bon:, Mr. Bernard Shaw manages somehow to pack......

The World In 1946

T HE outlook is not uplifting ; about that there will be little disagreement. More than six months after the collapse of Germany all the rigours of a war regime are with us......