28 FEBRUARY 1846, Page 11



The extreme and continued scarcity of money is still operating to the almost total suspension of business; and, as a natural result, the fluctuations both of the English and Foreign Funds have been unimportant. The settlement of the Consol Account occurred today, and the business thereby occasioned has given a slight appearance of bustle to the Stock Exchange; but with this exception, the week has been a dull one. The prices of the Government Securities have, how- ever, been kept steady by the daily purchases of the Government-broker on account of the, Sinking-ffind and the Savings Banks. Exchequer Bills are heavy, and the premium has declined to 35s.; the market having been deprived of the support recently afforded it by the purchases of the Chancery-broker on account of the Railway deposits: the operations of that gentleman both in Stock and Ex- chequer Bills have been almost entirely suspended during the present week. Bank Stock continues in demand, and is today quoted at 2083 and 2094 for Money; and India Stock, from 259, is quoted at 261.

The books of the various Stocks whose dividends become due in April will close and reopen at the periods fixed below.

Shut. Open.

Bank Stock Tuesday, 10th March. Tuesday, 14th"April.

India Stock Tuesday, 3rd March. Thursday, 9th April. 3 per Cent Reduced. • a per Cents ' Long Annuities [Tuesday, 10th March. Friday, 17th April.

Annuities, 1859

Old South Sea Annul ] ties • [The close period has been abridged by about a week.]

The transactions of the Foreign Market have, like the English, been quite un- important. Some fluctuation has occurred in Spanish Securities; but the result has been a closing quotation of nearly the same as last week. Some few bargains have occurred in Portuguese Bonds, without producing any material fluctuation: the market would have been heavy but for the support afforded by purchases on Dutch account; and our closing quotations today are slightly below last week's. The transactions in the Share Market have been more extensive; though, in com- parison with the scale of business a few months ago, even these may be called in- significant. The older and better class of Shares have been in fair demand, and the prices rather higher than those of last week. The Scrip Shares are neglected; and it does not appear that the excitement of last year is likely to be revived. The proceedings of the several Committees to which the various lines are referred pass unnoticed in the market.

The French and other Foreign Shares are all steady at quotations varying little from our last, in the almost total absence of business.

SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCF Prices are firmer this morning, in consequence of the large Ministerial majority yesterday, and the favourable tenour of the American news. The opening price of Consols for Account was 96i; since which the market has decimed to 961, and the quotation is now 963 .1. The Foreign Funds are all nominally higher in consequence of the improved tone of the English market. We must, however, except Spanish Bonds from this category, the news from Madrid having depressed these securities. Our Foreign prices must all he considered nominal, as we cannot learn the occurrence of a single bargain. The Railway business has as yet been confined to the following transactions: Eastern Counties, 22; Blackwell, 83; South-eastern and Dover, 38i.

SATURDAY, Two oTiocx.

The transactions of the morning have been unimportant, and the English Punch; close at our previous quotations. Exchequer Bills are the same. 'Bank Stock is quoted at 2084 for Money, and 2104 to 2114 for Account. India Stock is also marked at 262, an improvement on recent prices. In the Foreign Market, Mexican Stock has advanced in consequence of the favourable intelligence re- ceived vie the United States. Spanish Stock is still depressed, from the causes noticed in our former report. The Five per Cent Active Stock has fallen to 26; and though we cannot hear of the occurrence of any actual business in the Three per Cents that Stock is also nominally lower.

3 per Cent Consols 963 II Columbian ex Venezuela... 17 18 Ditto for Account 963 i Danieh 3 per Cents 89 90

3 per Cent Redueed........ 963 3 Dutch 23 per Cents 593 603

33 per Cents 953 3 Ditto 4 per Cants 953 63

Long Annuities 103 9-16 Mexlean 5 per Cents.... • • • 813 3

Bank Stock 208 212 Ditto Deferred 17 i

Exchequer Bills prem. 35 7 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 58 60

India Stock 262 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 .... 58 60

Brazilian 5 per Cents 8S4 Russian 5 per Cents 113 115 Belgian 43 per Cents 98 100 Spanish (Active) 5 per„Cents 263 Chills,, 6 per Cents 98 100 Ditto 3 Cents 1842 37 3 The business of the Railway Share Market has not been extensive; prices are, Paid. neatness done.

173 32 70 86 23 l& 1


3: 100 228 50

651 i

40 543 100 1473 83 32.3.4 383

20 Dutch-Rhenish 5 61 however, generally firmer. Share.

25 Birmingham & Gloucester, New, issued at 73 din 100 Bristol and Exeter 50 Direct Manchester (Remington's) Direct Manchester (Rastrick's) Stock London and Birmingham 50 London and Brighton London and Brighton, Consolidated Eighth!, Black ' Midland

Average South-eastern and Dover rotation RAILWAYS. 20 Great Northern of France, Constituted 5

20 Paris and Rouen 20 20 Roan and Havre 18


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday the list day of l'..bruary 1848.


Notes issued £26,975,255 Gore= neat Debt ...... L11,015,100

Other S..euritlea ....... 2,064.900 Gold Coln and Bullion 11,346,1.30

SUvetiBuliton 1,617,125

£26,973,260 £26,973,256 nAvisniG DEFARTMEEr.

Proprietors' Capital L14,553,000 Government Securities, Gm Rest 3,477,018 eluding Dead WeightAnnuityM13,137,047 Public Deposits' 6,202,903 Other Securities 12,639,192 Other Deposits 18,091,320 Notes 6,887,810

Seven Day and other hills.... 918,289 Gold and Silver Coln 679,4.72 £43,242,121 £43,242,521 • IncludingRachequer, Savings Hanks,Commisaionersof NatIonaiDebt&Dividend Accounts.

5 193 42 13 293