The Honourable Charles Henry Fitzroy Somerset, Marquis Of...
i elected yesterday for East Gloucestershire, n the room of the Honourable Francis Charter's, who had resigned. After the nomination of the Marquis, Mr. Charteris was proposed......
A Correspondent, Whose Knowledge, Judgment, And...
entitle his opinions to great weight, has just communicated to us the following notice of the agricultural phenomena of the season- " You will recollect how closely I attended......
The Courrier Francais announces, that after the accouchement of Queen Victoria, the Duke and Dutehess de Nemours are to repair to London, and return to France with her Britannic......
Among Papers Laid Before Parliament Is An Extract From A
despatch by the Governor-General of India to the Secret Committee of the East India Directors, which throws some further light on the events that led to the recent battles, and......
SATURDAY NIGHT. Excellent work was done in the House of Commons last night: the motion for going into Committee on the Customs and Corn-laws was carried by a majority of 97; and......
The Globe This Evening Classifies The Speakers Who Took Part
in the Corn-law debate during the twelve nights The aggregate shows forty- eight Free-trade speakers, and fifty-five Protectionists. The nightly pro- portions were—first night,......