28 FEBRUARY 1846, Page 10

The Honourable Charles Henry Fitzroy Somerset, Marquis of Worcester, was

i elected yesterday for East Gloucestershire, n the room of the Honourable Francis Charter's, who had resigned. After the nomination of the Marquis, Mr. Charteris was proposed by Mr. Samuel Bowly, a member of the Society of Friends; but a poll was declined; and the election of the Marquis of Worcester was accordingly declared.

It is rumoured that Lord Lincoln is to be brought into the House of Commons for the borough of Carrickfergus, the present Conservative Member, Mr. Peter k, retiring for the purpose; and that Sir John Owen is to vacate his scat for Pembroke in Mr. Gladstone's favour.--Sun.

Yesterday the Times coupled a statement that Sir George Clerk is to proceed immediately to India with the mention of a rumour that Sir George Pollock had retired from the Supreme Council of India. Today the latter report is, contra- dicted: Sir George is only to visit the Cape of Good Hope in order to recruit his health.

The Duke of Cleveland, in a letter to the electors of South Durham, assigns a variety of reasons for asserting that Mr. Bowes, if he is.sincere in wishing to as- certain the opinion of the constituency on the subject of his conversion, has no alternative but to resign and offer himself for reelection.

The Belgian Government has just issued an arrete royale, according a pre- mium for the importation of seed potatoes, and offering free transport for them by the railways.—Morning Chronicle.'

A cargo of potatoes from Naples arrived last week at the Cove of Cork. The master of the vessel states that there is an immense crop in the kingdom of Naples, and throughout the Italian States, and that no sign of disease had ap- peared.