On the 20th August, at Tahiti, the Lady of Commander Andrew Snaps Hamond, of her Majesty's steam-sloop Salamander, of a son.
On the 14th February, at Torquay, Devonshire, the Lady of the late Sir J. Honywood, of a daughter.
On the 19th, at Backford Hall, Chester, Mrs. Holt Gregg, of a daughter.
On the 20th, at Aiderley, Gloucestershire, the Lady of It. B. Hale, Esq., M.P., of a daughter.
On the 22d, at Campden RU!, Kensington, Lady Caroline Lascelles, of a son. On the 22,1, at Shillinglee Park, Sussex, the Countess of {Waterton, of a daughter. On the 224, at Peterley House, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel N. Alves, of a daughter. On the 234, in Russell Square, the Wife of James Russell, Esq., Q.C., of a daughter. On the 26th, in Eaton Square, the Hon. Mrs. Arbuthnot, of aeon.
Ott the 26th, at the Grange, near Bradford, Wilts, the Lady of Captain S. H. Palairet, of a daughter.
On the 18th February, at St. George's, Hanover Square, George Baring Collier, Esq., R.N., eldest son of Captain Henry Collier, R.N., to Stepney, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Gulston, Esq., of Derwydd, Caennarthenshlre.
On the 19th, at Leeds, the Rev. Samuel Coates, Incumbent of Sowerby, near Thirst, and a Prebendary of York, to Charlotte Augusta, elder daughter of J. Linsley, Esq., of Elmwood Terrace, Leeds.
On the 234, at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Rev. Lowry Guthrie, Rector of Crowley, to Katherine Blanche, daughter of Thomas Startle, Esq., Queen's Counsel.
On the 26th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Captain C. R. Driukwater Bethune, R.N., C.B., to Frances Cecilia, only child of Henry Stables, Esq., of Park Hill, Clapham.
On the 6th February, at Alicant, Jasper Waring, Esq., her Britannic Majesty's Consul. On the 14th, in Dublin, Miss Moore, the only surviving sister of Thomas Moore, Esq., the poet.
On the 15th, at Paris, the Countess de Fezensac, Wife of the Comte de Fezensac, and Relict of the late Thomas Strickland, Esq., of Sizergh Castle, Westmoreland. On the 18t1,, at Edinburgh, Hugh 31`Callam, Esq., Cashier of the Bank of Scotland. On the 19th, in Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, Jacob James Hart, Esq., late her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General for Saxony ; in his 624 year.
On the 20th, at Surbiton Lodge, Kingston-on-Thames, Margaret, Wife of Captain John Rennie klanderson, and eldest daughter of the late George Rennie, Esq., of Phan- lassie, East Lothian.
On the 20th, at the Grange House, Edinburgh, Isabella, fourth surviving daughter of Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Bart., of Grange and Fountainhall.
On the 234, at Cholderton Lodge, Mary, the Wife of the Rev. Watson Dieting, and daughter of the late and sister of the present Sir Edward Knatchbull, Bart.; In her 51st year.
On the 234, at Chasm, Surrey, the Rev. Charles Mayo, LL.D., late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford.
On the 234, at his seat in Ireland, Lieutenant-General Sir James Kearney, Colonel Of the Seventh Hussars; in his 68th year. On the 24th, in Cunningham Place, St. John's Wood, Mrs. Leith, late of Barrow-on- Site-Hilt; in her 924 year.
On the 26th, in Portman Square, Harriet, Countess-Dowager of Scarborough ; in her 80th year.