28 FEBRUARY 1846, Page 20


Tuesday, Feb. 24.


Cockburn and Bennett, Maddox Street, Hanover Square, tailors-Miler and Morley, Leek, Staffordshire, silk-manufacturers-W. and J. Stubbs, Warrington-Durden and Co. Pitchcombe klills, Gloucestershire, naphtha-distillers; as far as regards E. H. Dur- den-Ray and Spencer, Portsea, merchants-Sutcilffe and,Itoberts, Leeds, share-brokers -Mons and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-dyers-Parkyn and Son, Bodmin, drapers- White and Wilson, Noble Street, Falcon Square, cotton-manufacturers-Beynon and Co. LInnelly, timber-merchants-J. and G. Gunning, Crosby Row, Walworth, drapers- W. and C. Marley, Bow Churchyard, quilting-printers-Mabson and Smith, Stanton- by-Dale, Derbyshire, iromnasters-Grace and Co. Liverpool, painters-1'. and J. Jeyes, Northampton' nurserymen-Wilson Brothers, Norwich, bakers ; as far as regards J. H. Wilson-Wilson and Co. Ithilpot Lane, Fenchurch Street, importers of foreign con- feetionery-Fiesher and Murray, Kingston, Sussex, contractors-Orme and Taylor, Macclesfield, silk-trimming-manufacturers-WDougald and Rowe, Commerdal Road, Peckham, carpenters-Nlebett and Co. Sheffield, ironmasters-Roose and Co. Tipton, wrought-iron-tube-manufacturers-Coleman Brothers, Crown Court, Old Broad Street, wiue-merchruits-Freek and Beail, Leeds, mffiers-J. and J. W. Flamank, Tavistock, mercers-J. and W. Rowe, Stoke Denten% Devonshire, apothecaries-Featherstone and Kirkpatrick, Manchester, brassfounders-Wallwork and Co. Heath charnoek, Lan- cashire, colliers ; as far as regards R. Wallwork-Ilagen and Co. Derby, gimp-manufac- turers-Ebbern and Co. Potteries, carriers ; as far as regards G. Ebbem-Barker and Co. Manchester, merchants-Hardcastle and Hill, Fioltou-le-Moors, brickmakers- Pasley and Co. Glasgow, merchants ; as far as regards J. B. Jardine.


COLES, BENET PgAnsog, Wickham Market, Suffolk, innkeeper, to surrender March 5, April 7: solicitor, Mr. Lewis, Arundel Street, Strand ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

FRANKISH, RICHARD KIRBY, Scarborough, joiner, March 10, 31: solicitors, Mr. Birk, Symond's Huh; /dr. Harle, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Kynaston, Leeds.

FREBOOT, ABRAHAM, junior, Steward Street, :4pItaltields, silk-manufacturer, Feb. 27, April 3: solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Taylor, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. GREEN, HOBERT, Walham Green corn-chandler, March 3, April 7: solicitor, Mr. Donne, New Broad Street ; official Green, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

HARLEY, EDWARD STF.ANE, Birmingham, grocer, March 10, April 3: solicitors, Messrs. Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Valpy, Birmingham. HOLDSWORTII, SAMUEL and WILLIAM, Ddghlington, Yorkshire, corn-millers, March 9, April 2: solicitors, Messrs Gregory and Co. Bedford Bow: and Messrs. Taylor and Westmorland, Wakefield ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds.

IBITCHIHSON, SAMUEL, Bradford, Yorkshire, stock-broker, March 9, April 2: sollci- tors Mr. Flower, Bread Street ; Mr. Wood, Bradford ; Mr. Caries, Leeds ; official assignee, SIr. Young, Leeds.

KITSON, WILLIAM, White Street, Southwark, soap-manufacturer, March 6, 31: soli- citors, Messrs. 1.ofty and Co. King Street, Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

KNIGHTS, JONATHAN, Great Melton, cattle-dealer, march 3, April 7: solicitors, Messrs. Jay and Pilgrim, Norwich ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. Logionorrom, Wuzzax, and BENTLEY, Ramat, Rochdale, wool-merchants, March 5,

April 4: soliciters, Mr. Abbott, Charlotte Street ; Messrs. Atkinson and Co. Manches- ter ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.

, MOIR, GEORGE, John's Row, bootmaker, March 7, April 6: solicitors, Messrs. Hughes

• and Turner, Charles Street, City Road ; official assignee, Mr. Meager, Birchin Lane.

.MOWLANDSON, WILLIAM, Wakefield, surgeon, March 9, 30: solicitors Messrs. Gre- gory and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Taylor and Westmorland, Wakefield ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. SELF, CHARLES, Sun Street, Bishopegate Without, plumber, March 10, April 6: soli- citor, Mr. Wright, Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basing- hall Stied.

TODD, HENRY Joao and EDWARD, Bow Churchyard, warehousemen, March 6, April 6: solicitors, Messrs. Sole and Turner, Aldermanbary; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingliall Street.

VEXTUE, STEPHEN, Liverpool, merchant, March 13, April 14: solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row; Messrs. Harvey and Falcon, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Caze,nove, Liverpool.

WALTON, Jon", Liverpool, coal-merchant, March 3, April 14: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Co. and Mr. Robinson, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.


March 20, Marriage junior, Chelmsford, miller—March 17, Emerson and Co. Belfast, distillers —March 19, Hollingsworth, Paddington Street, Marylebone, butcher—March 19, Petit, Exiiing, Suffolk, livery-stablekeeper—March 19, Woollams, Charles Street, Manchester Square, bullder—March 19, J. and G. Hardy, Wisbech St. Peter's, grocers— March 17, Blackmore, Cork Street, tailor—March 17, Sisley, Margate, carpenter— March 27, Drinkwater, t3alford, woollen-cord-manufacturer—Mareh 17, Smith, Man- chester, bill-broker—March 18, Blinkborn, Little Bolton, Laucashire, manufacturing- chemist—March 17, Heron, Hartlepool, butcher—March 17, Briddick, Durham, iron- dealer—March 24, Gibb, Liverpool, soap-manufacturer—March 24, Brothers New- castle-under-Lyne, currier—March 24, Wenham, Birmingham, merchant—March 24, Carruthers, Coventry, draper—March 24, Gough, Stourbridge, worsted-dealer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on The day of meeting. March 20, Miller, Southampton, cordwainer—March 17, Parr, South Wharf Road, Paddington, corn-dealer—March 17, Wadhams, Charlotte Street, Portland Place, car- penter—March 17, Newborn, Woodchurch, Cheshire, joiner—Marsh 18, Andrews, Plymouth, apothecary. To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before March 17. Tolley, Hackney, grocer—Collins, Salford, common-brewer—Gray, Caroline Street, Eaton Square, horse-lealer—Bush, Edgware Road, upholsterer—Gill, Leadenhall Market, poulterer.


liensman, Margate, bill-broker ; first and final div. of 7s. 9d. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Aldermanbury—Bellis ; first div. of 3s. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Alderman- bury—Hogarth ; first div. of Is. 6d any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Aidermanbury—Clark, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street, broker ; first div. of 41d. on Feb. 21, and three sub- sequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane—Knowles and Co. Throgmorton Street, silk-broker; first div. of Is., and second div. of 7s. 9d. on J. Knowles's separate estate, on Feb. 25, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry—Hardy, Wis- bech St. Peter's, grocer, (separate estate) ; first and final div. of 20s. on Feb. 25, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry —Doxford, BIshopweannouth, ship-builder ; second and final div. of 2d. and 1-5th of a penny, (in addition to Is. pre- viously declared,) any Saturday after Feb. 26; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne— Oldham, Wood Street, warehouseman; div. of 6d. on Feb.27, or any subsequent Friday; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street.


W11.218, T, Edinburgh, grocer, Feb. 27, March 19.

Friday, Feb. 27.


Pilling and Brierley, Rochdale, cotton-spinners—Brierley and Co. Rochdale, cotton- spinners; as far as regards J. Pilling—J. and J. Pooley, Manchester, cotton-spinners- J. and S. Baker, Brownlow Street, Holborn, bootmakers—Creed and Williams, Newton Abbott, Devonshire, brewers—Edwards and Fisher, Trinity Square, Tower Hill, ship- brokers—Webb and Pollard, Watling Street, lace-warehousemen—J. and S. Vines, Albion Road, Wandsworth Road, millers—J. and M. Stead, Bradford, Yorkshire, wool- staplers—Eirhy and Co. Cannon Street, pinmakers ; as far as regards P. J. Kirby—C. and T. Marriott, Lyme Regis, seed-crusheris—White and Wright, Stoke-upon-Trent, printers—Manger and Stubbs, Toxteth Park, painters—Andrew and Wilde, Oldham, cotton-spinners—Knott and Eccleshall, Manchester, brewers—Hill and Williams, Cal- stock, Cornwall, brewers--E. and I. Garth, Liverpoohmilliners—Fairbanks and Lavender, Walsall, saddlers' ironmongers ; as far as regards J. H. Fairbanks—Ballard and Co. Lea- mington Priors, victuallers—Black and Co. Glasgow ; as far as regards T. Pun-es.


WALSER, GEORGE Tuomss, Portsea, draper, Feb. 26.


CAREY, WILLLAM, Stourpourt, victualler.


PHILLIPS, Pump, Birmingham, steel-penmaker.


BARRER, Limey Jon", Filxwood, Lancashire, logwood-grinder, to surrender March 13, April 3: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple ; Messrs. Hitchcock and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.

Bitocx, Jon", Chester, innkeeper, March 13, April 14: solicitors, Messrs. Pocock and Co. Norfolk Street, Strand ; Mr. Cunnah, Chester ; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.

CHILDS, RICHARD, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, tailor; March ID, April 7: solicitors, Messrs. Edwards and Peake, New Palace Yard, Westminster ; official as- signee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.

Coartsm., JAMES, Boston, Lincolnshire, shipowner, March 13, April 14: solicitors, Mr. Hartley, Boston ; Mr. Jabet, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham. EMU', GEORGE BUTLER, London, ship-broker, March 6, April 10: solicitor, Mr. Vardy, Finsbury Place ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

EVANS, Smarm, Aspul, near Wigan, cotton-spinner, March 11, April 6: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Hitchcock and Co. Manchester ; offi- cial assignee, 31r. Fraser, Manchester.

FRANCE, ABRAHAM, Leeds, share-broker, March 10, 31: solicitors, Messrs. Sudiow and Co. Chancery Lane; Mr. Middleton, Le,eds; official assignee, Sir. Kynaston, Leeds. FRANCE, ABRAHAM, and LAWTON, WILLIAM PULLON, Leeds, stock-broken, March 10, 31: solicitors, Messrs. Williamson and Hill, Gray's Inn ; Mr. Carlos, Leeds ; official as-

signee, Mr. Kynaston, Leeds.

GODPBXY, Joan, Midsomer Norton, Somersetshire, linendraper, March 13, April 10: Solicitor, Mr. Govett, Gray's Inn Reed; official assignee, Mr. Sillier, Bristol.

HARVEY, WILLIAM BUN, Herbert Street, New North Road, mercer, March 6, April Ii: solicitor, Mr. Cox, Pinner's Hail; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. METFORD, JOSEPH, Lyncombe, wine-merchant, March 13, April 10: solicitors, Mr. Bishop, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Messrs. Lovibond and Co. Bridgewater ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol. PARNELL, Temoss, Manchester, laceman, March 16, April 1: solicitors, Messrs. Gre- gory and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Whitworth, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester.

PERRY Gooses., Stroud, coach-builder, March 12, April 10: solicitors, Mr. Brisley, Pancras Lane ; Mr. Paris, Stroud ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.

REIS, LEWIS, and Co. Fenchurch Street, merchants, March 10, April 21: solicitors, Messrs. Marten and Co. Mincing Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. Roemer". lessens', Mold, Fllntshire, grocer, March 13, April 17: solicitors, Messrs. Edwards and CO., New Palace Yard; Mr. Ingleby, Mold ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. SANDAVER, JOHN, Kenton Street, Brunswick Square, cabinet-maker, March 7, April 4: solicitor, Mr. Williams, Alfred Place, Bedford Square ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court.

Smits, Joux, Albion Place, Walworth Road, cheesemonger, March 6, April 5: solici- tor, Mr. Pope, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

WRITE, Windasst, Aylesbury, tailor, Starch 4, April 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Tilleard and Co., Old Jewry ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court, WILLIAMS, EDWARD, Bishopsgate Street, linendraper, March 10, April 21: solicitors, Dickson and Overbury, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.

Winans, Joni% Tamworth, scrivener, March 14, April 18 : solicitors, Sir. Thornewill, Burton-upon-Trent ; and Mr, Collis, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. BitUeaton,


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Starch 26, Robinson, Copthall Chambers, share-broker—March 24, Brown, Con- naught Terrace, bootuutker—March 21, Littlewood, New Bond Street, hosier—March 23, Woods junior, Leeds, wine-merchant—March 20, Sier, Cheltenham, baker—March 30, Stanton, Bristol, grocer—March 26, Osborne, Exeter, whip-maker. To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before March 20.

Donaldson, Pall Mall, watchmaker—Hyde, Loughborough, apothecary—Reynolds, Fazakerley, near Liverpool, cowkeeper—Ellary, Kidderminster, Ironfounder—Viekers, Carter Street, Walworth Road, bill-broker—Taylor, Piccadilly, stave-manufacturer- Lee, Tadcaster, porter-merchant.


Chaloner, Chester, carrier ; final die. of 2d. and 5-I6ths a a penny, March 5, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool—Hay and Titterton, London Road, oilmen ; div. of 5s. Feb. 27, or any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Follett, Semi:sea Court.— Price, Holywell, Flintshire, linendraper ; first div. of Is. 41d. March 3, or any subse- quent Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Manchester—Hughes, Manchester, provision-dealer ; Ana div. of 3s. $44. March 3, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Manchester—Dow, Romford, draper ; dlv. of 5s. Feb. 27, or any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court—Mills, High Holborn, gunmaker ; third div. of Is. Feb. 23, and the three subse- quent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Standage, Chancery Lane, auctioneer ; first div. of 7id. Feb. 28, and the three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abeharch Lane—Warner, Garforth, Yorkshire, =Baler; final div. of 24.6d. any day on and after March 2; Sir. Young, Leeds.