28 FEBRUARY 1852, Page 10

At Holmfirtb, the inquest on the body of Eliza Marsden,

who was drowned by the bursting of the Bilberry reservoir, was finished yesterday. Captain Moody, the Government Inspector, gave lucid and interesting evidence on the construction of the embankment. The Jury found a verdict declaring, that the Bilberry reservoir was originally defective, and the commissioners, engineers, and overlookers, culpable; that the commissioners have been "guilty of gross and palpable negligence" in allowing the reservoir "to remain for several years in a dangerous state " ; that they regret that through the commissioners being a corporation, they cannot find them gm-Hy of manslaughter ; and that they hope Government will consider the subject with reference to future provisions.

Captain Moody, before the Jury separated, pronounced the Holmstye re-

servoir in a highly dangerous condition. •