The Freshness And Spirit Of Mademoiselle Dejazet, Who Is...
the star of the St. James's Theatre, are wonderful. In a piece founded on Sue's novel Le Marquis de Latoriire, but called Le Marquis de _Laumtn, (one roué is an equivalent for......
The Accession Of The Conservatives To Political Office...
aptly celebrated at Drury Lane by the production of the most Conservative ballet ever seen. A spirit descends in the neighbourhood of the Rhine, and by fascinating a......
• On The Evening Of Ash Wednesday, When All The
theatres and other places of amusement were closed, there was a so-called "grand musical festival" at Exeter Hall ; a monster-jumble of all sorts of music, from the most solemn......
Topics Of The Day. -
THE NEW MINISTRY. THE Ins are out and the Outs are in. The curtain has fallen and has risen again, with a celerity which has given the gossips of the pit no time for the......
Tratrro Ant( Zuoir.
By combining the Wraith of Scotland with the Vendetta of Corsica, MM. Orange and X. ge Montepin, some eighteen months ago, furnished the then Theatre Historique of Paris with a......
Money Market.
STOOK EXCHANGR, FRIDAY Arrsameas. The En g lish Stock Market has continued steady durin g the whole week. When the probable accession of Lord Derby to office was known on......