ftt Court.
In this week of Ministerial arnurgement, the Queen's visitors have been chiefly political personages. Lord John Russell had an audience of her Majesty on Saturday morning—all the world knows now for what pur- pose The Earl of Derby repaired to Buckingham Palace, no doubt by Royal command, on Sunday afternoon. On Monday morning he had a second interview, and accepted the political task'of forming a Ministry. He had another interview with her Majesty on Tuesday.
The Duke of Wellington had an audience of the Queen on Tuesday. The Queen held a Court and Privy Council yesterday, at Buckingham Palace. At the Court, the members of the late Administration made for- mal resignation into her Majesty's hands of their offices. At the Coun- cil, the members of the new Administration were severally sworn in, and kissed hands.
The Queen held her first levee this season at St, James's Palace on
Thursday. Prince Nicholas of Nassau attended. Mr. Vernon Smith had an audience—the only one, we suppose, enjoyed by him in his brief tenure of the Secretaryship at War. Lord Normanby was presented by Earl Granville, on his return from the Paris Embassy. Minor diplomatic pre- sentations took place, by the Belgian, Russian, Sardinian, Austrian, Sici- lian, and Danish Ministers, by the Persian representative, and by Lord Granville. Among the numerous general presentations were Dr. Lyon Playfair, on his appointment as C.B. and Gentleman Usher to Prince Albert, and Mr. Henry Cole on his appointment to office in the Depart- ment of Practical Art.