[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—The letter from the Hon. Mrs. Rollo Russell was interesting reading and brought back fragrant memories of her husband, until his death a member of the Committee of the Food Education Society and one of its most devoted and most enthusiastic supporters. By a singular and significant coincidence, in the course of lectures by Dr. R. Aekerley on "Food and Food Habits and their connexion With rheumatism, cancer and other chronic diseases," which concludes this week, and of which you had notice, emphasis is laid on the matters enumerated by your correspondent, Viz., the neglect of uncooked food, the excessive use of condiments (and especially of salt) failure to masticate and insalivate and the taking of food and drink at a high temper- ature. The continuous demand for recentpublications dealing with such subjects as children's diet, salads, vegetables, rules for correct eating and drinking is proof that they are meeting a widespread need among all sorts and conditions of people. A complete list will be gladly sent on receipt of a stamped addressed envelope.—I am, Sir, &c., CHAS. E. HECHT, Hon. Sec. Food Education Society. 29 Gordon Square, W.C. 1.