A Mixed Bag Three Pairs of Silk Stockings. By Panteleimon Romanof. (Dent. 7s. 6d.) THE overwhelming popularity of the novel is bringing its revenges. It is leading the modern......
The Angel In The Room, By Gerard Hopkins. (mundanus. 8s.)—an
ingenious psychological Study of five people at dinner. It is not Proust, but a colourable • imitation, well watered and sugared for English taste.......
Mr. Walpole On Holiday
OF all our *novelists—Mr. Bennett himself not excepted— Mr. Walpole is most concerned with the spiritual and literal furnishing of the novel. It is something more than a passion......
Make Believe. By Faith Baldwin. (sampson Low. 7s....
presents, with colour and a kind of desultory skill, the emotional values acceptable to the cheaper type of women's magazine.......
Trail Of The Skull. By Gavin Holt. (hodder And Stoughton.
78. 6d.)—Mr. Holt is like a producer of charades—he believes in amassing properties, and making a scenario to suit them. An Aztec skull,' aspirin, and cyanide of potassium are......
Dermotts Rampant. By Stephen Mackenna. (chapman And Hall....
Dermotts were exiled from • Ireland : and although Mr. Mackenna conscientiously makes them free of a large tract of space and time, they arc • hardly at home in his pages.......
New Novels
UNDERTOW. By Joan Sutherland. (Cassell. 7s. 6d.)— A good woman is a help to her lover, a bad woman is not. Miss Sutherland's version of this novel theme has a Balkan background,......
The Loving Spirit. By Daphne Du Maurier. (heinemann. 7s....
gracious book, which lives up to its title. When Miss du Maurier gains firmer artistic control of her emotions, and ceases to write " literary " Cornish, her work will be......