Answers to Questions on Meals in Fiction
I. Mrs. Tulliver. The Mill on the Floss, chap. vii (George Eliot)' —2. Mrs. Squeers. Nicholas Nicklelly, chap. vii (Chas. Dickene)' 3. Margaret-Hale. North and South, chap. xx (Ms.. 0askell). =4. Snengkeld. Orley Farm, chap. axis, (Anthony Trollope).---- 5. At breakfast, the morning after the Sprowle supper party. Eli° Venner, chap. viii (0. W. Holmes).---6. Barkis. David Copperfield chap. v (Chas. Dickens).-7. Hendry. A Window in Thrutm, chap. iii (J. M. Barrie)..-8. John Ridd. Lorna Doane, chap. xliii , (R. D. Blacicmore).-9. David Balfour. Kidnapped,' chain. iii-iv (R. L. Stevenson).-10. Jane. Jane Eyre, chap. iii (Charlotte Bronto).-11. John Halifax John Halifax, Gentleman, chap: v (Mrs. Craik).—l2. Philip Hepburn, by Alice - Rose. Sylvia', Lovers, chap. xiii (Mrs. Geskell).-13. Miss Honeyroan, Tlit Nctocomee, chap. ix (W. M. Thackeray).