28 FEBRUARY 1931, Page 39

Answers to Questions on Meals in Fiction

I. Mrs. Tulliver. The Mill on the Floss, chap. vii (George Eliot)' —2. Mrs. Squeers. Nicholas Nicklelly, chap. vii (Chas. Dickene)' 3. Margaret-Hale. North and South, chap. xx (Ms.. 0askell). =4. Snengkeld. Orley Farm, chap. axis, (Anthony Trollope).---- 5. At breakfast, the morning after the Sprowle supper party. Eli° Venner, chap. viii (0. W. Holmes).---6. Barkis. David Copperfield chap. v (Chas. Dickens).-7. Hendry. A Window in Thrutm, chap. iii (J. M. Barrie)..-8. John Ridd. Lorna Doane, chap. xliii , (R. D. Blacicmore).-9. David Balfour. Kidnapped,' chain. iii-iv (R. L. Stevenson).-10. Jane. Jane Eyre, chap. iii (Charlotte Bronto).-11. John Halifax John Halifax, Gentleman, chap: v (Mrs. Craik).—l2. Philip Hepburn, by Alice - Rose. Sylvia', Lovers, chap. xiii (Mrs. Geskell).-13. Miss Honeyroan, Tlit Nctocomee, chap. ix (W. M. Thackeray).