The Public Schools' Calendar, 1865. Edited by a Graduate of
Oxford. (Rivington.)—This fat little volume will be welcome to anxious parents and guardians. It tells them allabout the chief public schools and what are the rewards they offer to industry, and gives a listaf the boys, so that they may see whether their offspring will make " good connections," a list of the University honours gained by the cleverer scholars, and so forth. Besides the nine schools forming the subject of the report of the Commission on Pablic Schools, the editor inoludes the Bluecoat Boys, Birmingham, Bedford, Woolwich, Sandhurst, King's College School, University College School, Royal Naval School, City of London, Liverpool, Cheltenham, Marlborough, Rossall, and the Wellington Col- lege. We need scarcely say that among some of the excluded schools there have been searchings of heart, and with some reason, for they are at all events more important than Bedford. But Bedford, it seems, is rich,--it has 15,000L a year, though we do not see that the boys are likely to get much of the money. Two scholarships of 801. a year given annually are no wonderful attraction.