On Tuesday The President Of The Poor-law Board Opened A
literary institute at Willenhall without succeeding in giving utterance to very much beyond the conventional congratulations. Within thirty years, said Mr. Villiers, the place......
Mr. Frederick Peel Addressed His Constituents At Bury On...
nesday, probably without leaving his mark on their minds. He explained that 10,000,0001. of taxes had been removed since 1860 without loss to the revenue, and illustrated the......
The Prussian Chamber Is Taking A Singular, And It May
be a wise course. In the sitting of the 24th of July it resolved on the motion of Herr von Twesten to reject an address proposed by the Tories, which simply endorsed the King's......
We Have Had But One Driblet Of News From America
this week, which arrived on Monday. It contained the tidings that General Butler was superseded in his command at City Point by General Ord,—so the last of the volunteer......
News Of The Week.
T HEQueen has addressed a remarkable letter to the directors of most of the great railways centred in London, calling on them to take further precautions against accidents. Her......
Mr. Leatham Made An Able Speech To His Constituents At
Hud- dersfield on Tuesday, moulded, however, a little too carefully after the style of his leader and brother-in-law Mr. Bright. When he prayed at the end, on behalf of the......
Mr. Emerson Has Recently Delivered A Lecture On...
the right of students to elect their professors. Why not be logical, and declare at once for the right of children to elect their fathers ?......
We Have Spoken In Another Column Of Captain Osborn's...
speech on the proposed expedition to the North Pole. Ifb not only anticipated the exaggerated fears of the Times, but slowed how easily with two good ships a really safe......