The business of the English Market has not been extensive; though from the simultaneous occurrence of several sales of Reduced and Three-and-a-quarter per Cents during the early part of the week the prices of the various current securi- ties declined about 3 per cent; Consols for Money having fallen to 923, and the others proportionally. Since Wednesday, the price has improved again, and is today nearly the same as at the close of last week; the closing price of Consols for Money and that for Account being 933. Money continues as abundant as ever, and is easily obtainable in the Stock Exchange, upon the security of English Stock, at the rate of from 1 to 13 per cent per annum; while the discount rate for first-class bills may be quoted at about 2 per cent.
In the Foreign Market there is scarcely any change from the prices of last week. The Scrip and Stock of the Danish Five per Cent Loan continue to im- prove: the latter has been as high as 98, which is equivalent to a premium of 12 per cent for the Scrip. Russian Bonds have declined from 2 to 23 per cent., but have been rather firmer for the last two or three days. The prices of Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cent and Four per Cent Stock are well supported, in the almost total absence of business occasioned by the scarcity of Bonds; the mar- ket being quite bare of this commodity, and the prevailing disposition being for investment. Portuguese and Spanish Stock continue without material variation. Mexican Stock has fluctuated within 3 per cent of 27, but has only on rare oc- casions been quoted above that price. Messrs. Schneider and Co. have published a statement proving that they were never in possession of sufficient funds to pay an entire dividend upon the Mexican Bonds, as stated in the letter from the Finance Minister of the Republic. It appears that the statement of the Minister is meant to apply to the Converted Debt only; and that he imagined, that as Messrs. Schneider had funds sufficient in amount to pay the dividend upon the Converted Stock, they should have applied them to that purpose only, and not, by including the outstanding portion of the Unconverted Debt in the payment, have rendered it impossible to pay more than the portion already paid of the entire dividend. Messrs. Schneider, however, assert that they were bound to divide the assets in hand equally among all the creditors of the Republic. The Peruvian and other South American Stocks are without change or animation.
The transactions in the Railway Shares have been few, and the fluctuations unimportant.
The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 21st July exhibit, when compered with those of the preceding week, the following results-
BANSINa DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.
Rest £2,982 - kaiak Deposits - £294,317 Other Depesits 166,182
Seven-day and other Bills 12,057 - Government Securities, Including Dead-weight - 97,042
Other Securities - 27,628 Notes unissued 362,015 Actual Circulation 269,066 - ISSUE DEPARTMENT.
Notes issued 92,215
Bullion 50,730
This week. Last week.
Total Bullion in both Departments 14,717,193 14,767,923
Actual Circulation 19,724,335 19,453,275 SATE:limey, TWELVE o'ctocx. The English Stock Market is firm at the closing quotations of yesterday, and without the occurrence of any business of importance. The Foreign Funds are also without variation, and the business occurring in them insignificant. The fol- lowing are the principal bargains recorded in the Railway Shares: Aberdeen 191; Caledonian 2433; Eastern Counties, Guaranteed Six per Cent, 113; Brighton, 373; North-western, 1333 23; Ditto, New Quarter-shares, 153; North British, Quarter-shares, 33; North Stafford, 123; South-eastern, 211 3; York and North Midland, 313 g 31.
The English Funds close at the morning's quotations: we cannot notice the occurrence of any transactions of importance. The French Funds were rather firmer in Paris yesterday; the closing price of the Five per Cents being 87 80 and of the Three per Cents 53 35. The business of the Foreign Market has been confined to the following transactions: Brazilian, 84; Danish Three per Cents, 693; Grenada Deferred, 33; Mexican, 263 273 733; Portuguese, 303; &Asian, 1053; Spanish Active, 181 b; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 51/ a; Ditto Four per Cents, 813 803 /. The following are the principal bargains in Railway Shires since the morning. Caledonian, 244 33; Chester and Holyhead Pre- ference,123; Eastern Counties, 83 /; East Lancashire Preference, 73-; Edinburgh sild Glasgow, 41; Great Western, 833; Ditto Quarter-shares, 173 8 18 173; Ditto Fifths, 163 153; Ditto New, 171., 113; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 373; "Aden and North-western, 1333 23; Midland, 66 53; North British Quarter- shares, 3; North Staffordshire, 12; South-eastern and Dover, 213; York and North Midland, 313 2; Ditto Preference, 71 3. 3 per Cent consols 93 Danish 3 per Cents 6975
Ditto for Account 93 f Dutch 21 per Cents 511 2 3 per Cent Reduced 93 1 Ditto 4 per Cents 801 11
Si per Cents 94 94 Mexican 5 per Cents 5846... 27 3 Lone Annuities 8 15-16 9 New Granada 151 161
Bank Stock 199 1 Portuguese 14.4 perCents 1842 30 1 Exchequer Bills 48 51 Portuguese Old 1824 78 80 India Stock 250 251 Russian 5 per Cents 104 106 Brazilian 5 per Cents 83 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 18 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 82 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 31 3 Buenos A.yres 43 5 Venezuela 23 25 Chillan 6 per Cents 94 6