Madame Sontag Continues The Unique And Undiminished...
Majesty's Theatre. She appeared on Thursday as Desdemona, in the Otello of Rossini. This opera has not been performed here for a good many years: it is, indeed, rarely performed......
The Rosalind Of Mrs. C. Kean, Like Her Viola, Is
one of those exquisitely- conceived and highly-finished performances which make him that mourns over the degeneracy of modern histrionic art stop in the midst of his la-......
To The Editor Of The Spectator.
Mitesile, 23d July 1849. Sta—The public journals have just printed Lord Palmerston's reply to Mani; m which his Lordship gives the assurance that her Majesty's Government have......
Mr. Kenney, The Veteran Author Of Raising The Wind And
other well- known pieces, died on Wednesday morning, after a performance for his benefit had been arranged to take plane at Drury Lane on the evening of that very day. The house......
ausaix's SEVEN LAMPS. * Joan Russ" dint " the Oxford Graduate," has made people, even in England, think upon the subject of art—think artistically rather than didactically ; and......