28 JULY 1849, Page 20


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)

8alurd. Monday. Tuesday. Widnes.

Thur.- Spec Cest Consols


93 93 971 921

Ditto for Account

931 939 93 929 93 3 per Cents Reduced 9.11 931 931 901 931 39 per Cents 911 539 939 931 939 Long Annuities 9


Bank Stock, 7 per Cent 199 193


199/ 1981 India Stock, 109 253


Exchequer Bills, 1.1d, per diem

50 pm. 49 50 50


India Bonds, 49 per Cent 11 pm. 81 82 82



(Last Official Quotation daring the Week ending Friday Evening.)



I p. Ct. 49

— Masseehusetts

Mexican p.Ct.


Ditto 29- — Michigan 6 Brazilian

a -

81 Mississippi (Sterling) 8 Buenos Ayres

e -

441 New York (1858) ..... ....5 Chilian 6 - 91 Ohio... .

Danish 3-


5 Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) ...29 -

5I1 Peruvian

Ditto 4 - 51 Portuguese 6 French

a - —

Ditto 3


6 -

80 f. Russian 6 Indiana (Sterling) 6 - -- Spanish

Illinois 6 - —


Kentucky - — Ditto (Passive)

Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - 89 Ditto (Deferred)

Maryland (Sterling) 3 - 90 Venezuela Active .

(Last Official Quotation


Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great North of England Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster ana Carlisle London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwall London and North-western Midland North British South-eastern and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick York and North Midland


East and West India London Si. Katherine


during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Bouts-

23 Arratralasian

- British North American 89 Colonial 9/ ex mt. Commercial of London

231 London and Westminster 35 London Joint Stock 839 National of Ireland 91 National Provincial Provincial of Ireland 51 Union of Amtralia 371 Union of London 41 Muses- 133 Bolan°.

659 Brazilian Imperial - Ditto (St. John Del Rey) 219 Cobre Copper

36 Idiscamatinara-

209 Australian Agricultural ..

319 i Canada

General Steam 132 Peninsular and Oriental Steam 112 Royal Mail Steam 809 I South Australian 209 end.

24 169 29 el d.

It 169 ex d.

Is 16

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 9th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 2Ist day of July 1849. ISSUE DEPARTMENT.

Notes issued £27,834,475 Government Debt £11,105,150

Other Securities 2,994.900 Gold Coin and Bullion 13,557,906 Silver Bullion 276,662 Z27,834,475 £27,834,476 BANKING DEPARTMENT.

Rest 3,215,152 Proprietors' Capital £14,563,000 Government Securities, (in- cluding Dead WeightArmuity)£14,335,633 Other Securities 8,657,604

Public Deposits' 3,109,91.0

Dotes 8,111,140

Other Deposits 11,302,08C

Gold and Silver Coln 892,718 Seven Day and other Bills ... 1,106,819 £32,987,497 £22,587,457

'1 Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of NationalDebt &Dividend Accts.

BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ... £317 9 Copper,British Cakes £79 10 0 .. 0 0 I

Foreign Goldin Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars.... 5 15 0 .. 6 0 New Dollars 0 4 101 Silver in Bars, Standard .. . .... 0 4 119 Steel ,English 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0

Lead, British Pig .... 15 15 0 .. 0 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, July 27.

Maple 35to 36 White.— 29 -30 Oats, Feed. 17 cora Fine. 10-18 Poland .. 18-19 Boilers 50-Si Fine. 19-20

Beans,Tieks 20-10 Potato .. 23 -24

Old 30-32 Fine. 24-23 Harrow 33-35 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. I DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat.... 46s. 44. I Rye ... .... 27k 2d. Wheat Is. 0.1. I Rye 1 s.0d. Barley 26 0 1 Beans .. 31 i Barley 1 0 I Beans 1 0

Oats .. .... 18 5 I Peas 31 8 i Oats 1 0 I Peas 1 0 Weekly Averages for she Week ending July 21. Wheat, Dic 10d.-Barley,26.. 7.5.-Oats, 19r. 44.-Rye, 285. 8d.-Beans, 324. Id.-Peas, 32.. id.


Town-made per sack 41s. to 47.. Butter-BeatFresh, ID. 03. per dos.

Seconds 41 41 Carlow, 31. 65. to 31. 10o. per cwt. Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 38 - 41 Bacon, Irish per cwt. 70s.- 72r.

Norfolk and Stockton 35 38 Cheese, Cheshire 51 - 74 Bran per quarter 0 0 Derby Plain ea - 64

Pollard,fine 0 0 Hams, York 70 - 90 Bread, 6d. to 79d. the 41b. loaf. Eggs, French, per 120, 4s. Cid. to 65. 64.



Veal ..

Lamb . Pork Mutton 2 6 to 3 0 to 3 3 0 to 3 8 to 4 0 Friday. Monday,

I. d. s. d. s. . 5. d. a. d. a. d. Su ITIMML.O.

2 8 - 3 4 - 4 2 8 - 3 4 - 3 1, Sheep . 12,450 ..... 28,24D 1 8 - 3 4 - 3 3 2 -3 8 - 4 0 Beasts. 1,058 3,456

3 0 - 3 8 - 4 4 0 - 4 4 - 4 8 Calves. 486 260

3 8 - 4 4 - 4 4 6 - 4 10 - 5 0 Pigs... 248 210 ' To sink the offal, per 8 115.

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 30 Trusses.) Cos sZELAND. Surrarixtu. WnrrIcatrat

Hay, Good 70.. to 75.. 525. to 70.. 80.. to 701.

Inferior 50 - 83 0 0 .... ....... 0 - °

New . . 50 - 63 0 0 so - ,t Clover 92 - 98 65 90 45 - 11.11, Wheat Straw 32 - 36 23 - 82 ao - 34 Rape Oil per cwt. gl IT.. Od.

Linseed Oil 1 0

Linseed 011-Cake,. per 1000 10 Si

Refined 117 6 Candles, per dozen, 55. Od. to 5e. 64.

Coals, Hetton 17.. 34.

Tees 178, 3d. Moulds. (6d.per doz. discount; Is. Od. OILS, COALS, CANDLES.

Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt NA 514 West India Molasses 17s. fat. 209.

Coffee, fine (in bond) per oWt. 585. to 1035. Tea, Bolles, fine, ....per lb. Os. 1d. to Os. ad. Good Ordinary 32. - Congou, fine i g - 1 9

Souchong, fine 1 3- • In Bond-Duty It. 18. per lb. GROCERIES.

93i 931 93k 94 i99* 250


83 1141 554 BD 619 cad.

1019 169 349 39

2.3 Wheat,R. New 40 ta42 Fine 43-15 Old 41-el White 44-46 Fine 48 - 50 Super. New 05-34 Rye 22 1023 Barley 21-21 Malting- 23-20 Malt, Ord 51 -55 Fine 30-17 Peas, Hog 12-34 HOPS. POTATOES.

Kent Pockets 72s. to 112s.! York Regents per ton..

Choice ditto 84 - 160 Scotch Reds

Sussex Pockets

63 - 105 Devon/ Fine ditto 90 - IL) Kent and Essex Whites I Oslo O -- O -- 0 --