28 JULY 1855, Page 18


Tuesday, July 24.

PanTossaares DosoLvith.-Brindley and Co. Leonard Square, Finsbury, fancy- leather-workers-Parker and Snow, Myddleton Street, goldsmiths-Curry and Watts, Silver Street. Falcon Square, ale-merchants-Hartley and Ackroyd, Halifax, hotel-keepers-Biggin and Sons, Sheffield, saw-manufacturers ; as far as regards S. Biggin jun.-J. and T. Allen, Farringdon Market, fruit-salesmen -Wakefield and Hackney, Albion Place, King's Cross, surgeons-Beaumont and Co. Almondbury, Yorkshire, cloth-dressers ; as far as regards G. Greenwood-Ackerley and Co. Li- verpool, ship-chandlers ; as far as regards C. W. Woodworth-Black and Wickson, Leadenhall Market, meat-salesmen-Wright and Wilson, Leeds, tinners-11. A. and M. Bell, Winnington, Cheshire, proprietors of ladies' school-Metcalfe and But- strode, Cambridge, upholsterers-Cooper sen. and Cooper Jun. Burghfield Mills, Beading-Nicholson Brothers, City, ship-agents.

BaNiuterrs.-WiLLLut BUXTON and Co. Carlisle, woolstaplers, to surrender Aug. 2, Sept. 1 : solicitors, Young and Fallings, St, Mildred's Court, Poultry; official assignee, Canaan, Aidermanbury-Taames BARNES, Southampton, woollen-draper, July 31, Sept. 8: solicitors, Paterson, Bouverie Street ; Mackay, Southampton ; offi- cial assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-SantrEt How, Liverpool, broker, Aug. 3, 30 : solicitors, Whitley and Co. Liverpool ; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool- Tizoass CROWDM Tiprarr, Taunton, druggist's-assistant, Aug. 2, Sept. 6: solici- tor, Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-JOHN HENRY BRADSHAW, Birmingham, inn-keeper, Aug. 4, 25: solicitors, Bridges and Slaney, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-JAMES BEARDMORE, Audley, Staffordshire, miller, Aug. 3, 25: solicitors, Keary and Sheppard, Stoke-upon-Trent; official as- signee, Whitmore, Birmingham-THOMAS Bathos, North Shields, grocer, Aug. 6, 30: solicitors, Lietch and Kewney, North Shields ; official assignee, Baker, New- castle-upon-Tyne.

CZETIPWATRS.-1b be grarded,unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of muting.-Aug. 14, Paxon, Hampstead, auctioneer-Aug. 16, Elsdon, Limehouse, ship-owner-Aug. 16, Greene, Charington Street, Oakley Square, bookseller-Aug. 2.5, Mottershead, Macclesfield, builder-Aug. 14, Peat, Manchester, boot-manufac- turer-Aug. 14, Fish, Bury, cotton-manufacturer-Aug. 16, Nicholson, Liverpool, stonemason-Aug. 13, Davies, Birmingham, boot-manufacturer-Aug. 13, Dudley, Tipton, tailor. DECLARATIONS or DIVIDMMR.-Wilson, Barnard's Inn, Holborn, money-scrivener ; second div. of i d. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldermanbury-Hennet, Duke Street, Westminster, railway-contractor ; third div. of Is. 3d. any Monday ; Cannan, Alder- manbury-Winstanley, Poultry, chemist ; div. of 20s. on the separate estate, any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basingball Street-Gilbert, Hope and Anchor, Hammersmith ; first div. of Is. 3d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Nevison, Darling- ton, Durham, hosier ; first div. of 5s. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street - Whitmore, Hackney, draper; first div. of Is. 941. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basing- hall Street-Robson, Durham, miller ; second div. of 2d. in addition to 44d. previous- ly declared, any Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Geldhart, North Shields, ship-owner; first div. of 4s. any day before Aug. 11, or any Saturday after Oct. 1; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Ellis, Birmingham, fender-manufacturer; first div. of Is. 4d. the 26th inst. or following Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham. Seorca SEctuEsniaTtons.-Becks, Scotstoun, Glasgow, contractor, Aug. 2-Wylie, Glasgow, merchant, Aug. 2-Whyte and Dick, Glasgow, sewed-muslin-manufac- turers, Aug. 1-Wlison and Co. Glasgow, merchants, Aug. 3.

Diday, July 27.

PARTNERSHIPS Dlssotvzn.-Joel and Nathan, London-Adkins and Morgan, Sishopsgate Street Without, drapers-Morris and Co. Harpurhey, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Jones and Eaton, Swansea-Morris and Griffiths, Peckham, sur- geons-Smith and Co. Port-au-Prince, Hayti, merchants-W. and G. Puckrin, Heywood, Lancashire, grocers-Osborne and Seaford, St. Neot's, bricklayers-Eve- son and Sons, Shepherd's Brook, Stonrbridge, iron-nail-manufacturers ; as far as regards T. Eveson junior-Hawarth and Co. Manchester, yarn-agents ; as far as re- gards J. Sutcliffe-Moore and Co. Kingstown, Carlisle, grocers- Gent and Babing- ton, Stoney Stratford, ipeons-Parkin and Co. Almondbury, woollen-cloth-manu- facturers ; as far as r s .1. Parkin-Martin and Hodges, Leeds, paper-manufac- turers-Hobday and iddian, Deritend. Birmingham, japanuers-Lord, Brothers, Halifax, Yorkshire, machine makers ; as far as regards J. Lord-Coulson and Faulkner, Manchester, share-brokers-Crosland and Lord, Paddock, Huddersfield, cloth-finishers-Graham and Co. Manchester, calico-printers-Hughes and Bell, Bond Street, milliners-Heath and Prior, Falmouth, linen-drapers. BANICHUM1.-ARTHUR FERDINAND DE NEUMANN, Gloucester Street, Pimlico, Merchant, to surrender Aug. 9, Sept. 6: solicitor, Foord, Pinners' Hall; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street- ALFirlD Carson. Great St. Helen's, ship- broker, Aug. 15, Sept. 12: solicitor, Cox, Pinner,' Hall; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Wittiest WaTion Foan, Hornsey, brush-manufacturer, Aug. 6, Sept. 8: solicitor. Owen, Bncklersbury; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-STEPHEN EDWARD SitHRWOOD, Sellinge, Canterbury, tailor, Aug. 6, Sept. 15: solicitors, Morris and Co. Moorgate Street Chambers; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-PEYBLE BaowNE, Grosvenor Street, Bond Street, wine-merchant, Aug. 4, Sept. 7: solicitor, Wellborne, Duke Street, Southwark ; official assignee, Whitmore, B. asingluill Street-ROBERT Beowx, Lime Street, builder, Aug. 3, Sept. 8: solicitors, Harrisons, Walbrook ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury- 308EPH SKINNER, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, carpenter, Aug. 3, Sept. 7: solicitor, Capreol, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Cannan, Aidermanbury-Joan JONES, Totten- ham Court Road, glass-dealer, Aug. 4, Sept. 7: solicitor, Seaman, Pancras Lane, Cheapside; official assignee, Whitmore, Bssinghall Street-GEORGE GOODFELLOW, Rowell, Northamptonshire, currier, Aug. 4, Sept. 8: solicitors, Page, Duke Street, Manchester Square; Rawlins, Market 1{arborough; official assignee, Cannan, Alder- manbury-Tuoites BRED, George Street, Mile End New Town, shaft-manufacturer, Aug. 4, Sept. 7 : solicitors, Heed and Co. Friday Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-JOHN WESToN, Market Harborough, tailor, Aug. 8, Sept. 3: solici- tor, Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee,-Christie, Birmingham-Awl-nosy BIRCH, Birmingham, grocer, Aug. 4, 25: solicitor, East, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Tnostas Nam, Stourbridge, builder, Aug. 17, Sept. 1 : so- licitor, James, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-James and THouss Lucas BEARDMORE, Audley. Staffordshire, millers, Au,g. 17, Sept. I.: soli- citors, Lees, Bunion]; Smith, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birming- ham-PH:BE WESSON, Loughborough, bleacher, Ang. 7, Sept. 4: solicitor, Ingle- sant, Loughborough; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham -GEoiniE Wri.sa Hon- TER, Liverpool, ironmonger, Aug. 16, 31 : solicitors, Robinson and Duke, Liver- pool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-Joan Jones, Manchester, machine-maker, Aug. 8, 31 : solicitor, Atherton, Manchester; official assignee, Hernaman, Manches- ter-Annann- Hat:, Manchester, garden-net-manufacturer, Aug. 10. 31: solicitors, Brooke and Marshall, Ashton-under-Line ; official assignee,Hernaman, Manchester.

DIVIDENDS.-Aug. 17, Cortese, Wigan, ironmonger-Aug. 17, Jackson, Liverpool, draper-Aug. 22, Pointon, Monks Coppenhall, Cheshire, inn-keeper-Aug. 20, Bernstein, Liverpool, commission-agent. CERTIFICATES.- To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Aug. 17, Nokes, South Street, Spitalfields Market, potato-salesman-Aug. 17, Harris, Commercial Road, Lambeth. potter-Aug. 17, Ker, Auction Mart Base- ment, Bartholomew Lane, dealer in railway shares-Aug. 20, Bell, Hounslow, coal- merchant-Aug. 20, Lawford and Maitland, George Yard, Lombard Street, wine- merchants-Aug. 20, Butter, Berkley Street, Clerkenwell, baker-Aug. 20, Douglas, Sumner Terrace, Brompton, apothecary-Aug. 20, Blanks, East Hanningfield, black- smith-Aug. 20, Fenton, Liverpool, apothecary-Aug. 20, Lake, Wakefield, grocer

Aug. 20, Powell. York, linen-draper.

DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Pinnock, St. James Terrace, Darrow Road, flour- factor; first div. of 21d. any Monday ; Cannan, Aidermanbury-Arwidason,

ship-chandler ; first div. of 3s. any Tuesday ; Carrick, Hull-Wilson, Morpeth, joiner; first and final div. of 2s. any day before Aug. 11, or any Saturday after Oct. 1; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Wilson, Seaham Harbour, earthenware-manufac- turer; second and final div. of 6d. (In addition to Is. Sd. previously declared,) any day before Aug. 11, or any Saturday after Oct. 1 ; Baker, Newcastle-upon4yue -Langdale and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchants; first and final div. of lid. under the estate of Langdale and Eyton, any day before Aug. 11, or any Saturday after Oct. 1; Baker, Newcastle-upon Tyne. Scar= SHatrEsra.sTioNs.-Inglis junior, Partick, road-contractor, Aug. 3-Fors- ter, Kirkcaldy, merchant, Aug. 7-Scott, Edinburgh, ironmonger, Aug. 8-Gourlay, Glasgow, slater, Aug. 7.