Yankee Younger Sons.
Srn-In a recent Spectator, in an article entitled " The Younger Son," you appear tacitly to praise . the conduct of the Government of the United States for having " nipped m the......
Sanitary Reform.
Sin-Perhaps you may think the enclosed worthy of publication in your columns, for the sake of the practical suggestion it contains, which appears to me of {great importance. It......
On the 8th July, at Malta, the Hon. Mrs. Dalrymple Hay, of a daughter. On the 15th, at Bulmershe Court, the Lady Catherine Wheble, of a danghter. On the 19th, at Forobam Hall,......
Liking For Large Shim
Hampstead, 6th July 1855. Sin-In the naval service, feats of valour displayed by officers are re- warded by promotion to a higher grade, from a Lieutenancy and so on to Post......
Military Gazette.
Wen-orrice, July 20.-let Regt. of Drag. Guards-Sergi: Major J. Bradbury to be Quartermaster, vice Smith, appointed Paymaster. Royal Regt. of ArtilleryL-Brevet.Major G. R. Barker......