Mr. Arch (M.P. for North-West Norfolk) is very angry with
his constituents for not paying him his salary as their Parliamentary representative. He declares that they wish to starve him after returning him to Parliament, and that for nine weeks he has not received from the Labourers' Union a single penny in the shape of wages. "You poor, craven, milk-and-water fellows " he goes on, " you button up your pockets at the thought of 2d. a week, when you are told by a lot of lying scampery and scandalism that I have run away with your money." That is animated language ; and Mr. Arch no doubt has a right to complain if he were promised by his constituents the salary needful to support him as a Member of Parliament, and has not received it; but we doubt whether he will increase the generosity of his constituents by language as coarse as this. We should fear that for the next forty-three weeks he is likely to receive hardly more than he received during the previous nine, and not only so, but that the labourers of North-West Norfolk will prefer in future to return a candidate who is glad enough to take their votes as payment in full of all his claims upon them.