28 JULY 1894, page 15
Letters To The Editor.
LYNCHING IN GEORGIA A CORRECTION. [To THE EDITO R OP THE " SPEOTATOR."] SIR,—In the Spectator of June 16th you use very strong words in denunciation of a brutal lynching and......
The Conquest Of England By Golf.
T HE "pure Scot" that is in Mr. Balfour has good reason to glory in what he terms the gradual Scotification. of England by means of golf, for never before has any fashion or......
"life And Letters Of James Macpherson."
[To THE EDITOR OP THE BPECTATOP..",1 Srn,—In the course of the generous notice which you were pleased to take of my "Life and Letters of Ja mes Mac- pherson," in the Spectator......