SIR,—For many years by the generosity of your readers our East London Unsectarian Voluntary Committee have given a day in the country to thousands of poor, and in many cases orphan, East-End children, who without such help would not have known a single day's country holiday during the whole year. We hope this season again to give a similar treat to the vast army of our poorest and most destitute East-End little ones, providing also in each case a substantial meal. The cost, including rail and meal, is under one shilling per head. We are likewise arranging to send delicate children for a fortnight's country holiday to convalescent or carefully selected cottage homes at a cost of ten shillings each for the fortnight. Will your readers kindly help us this season? A balance-sheet audited by chartered accountants will be sent to each donor. Every gift, great or small, promptly acknow- ledged as usual by me.—I am, Sir, &c., J. W. ATKINSON.
Claremont, Cawley Road, London, E.