Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman's Speech Was Not Impres-...
Mr. Chamberlain for trying to make party and electioneering capital out of the patriotism of the country, he announced that he would not vote either for or against the......
As To The Future Settlement Mr. Chamberlain Was Quite Clear.
There will be a period of military rule, then a Crown Colony organisation, and then, as soon as possible, self- government. We do not agree with those who think that there......
The Analysis Of The Debate Shows In A Most Striking
way the condition of the Liberal party. Though the official leader of the Opposition gave the order to his party to abstain from voting, only thirty-five Members obeyed, and......
The Long Debate On The Indian Budget On Thursday Night
was really a debate on the propriety of making a Famine grant to India out of the British Exchequer. Sir H. Fowler and those who advocated this course did so avowedly in order......
The First Meeting Of The South African (hospitals) Com-...
was held on Tuesday at Burlington House. Lord Justice Romer, who presided, made a statement as to the powers and intentions of the Commission. A certain amount of evidence is to......
On Tuesday Was Published Colonel Willcocka's Very...
the Colonial Office describing his relief of Coomassie. The relief occurred on July 15th after a two days' running fight, and Colonel Willcocks is now back again at the coast.......
Affairs In The Balkans Have Again Fallen Into Confusion....
Alexander of Servia has publicly announced his inten- tion of immediately marrying Madame Maschin, a lady formerly of his mother's household, fifteen years older than himself,......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2t) were on Friday 97i.......