The first meeting of the South African (Hospitals) Com- mission
was held on Tuesday at Burlington House. Lord Justice Romer, who presided, made a statement as to the powers and intentions of the Commission. A certain amount of evidence is to be collected in England before the Commis- sioners leave for South Africa on August 4th, and any further evidence in England that may be necessary will be taken on their return. It is not proposed to examine witnesses on oath, but witnesses in Government offices are to be free from their obligation to keep silence on official matters. Witnesses who are deterred by personal reasons from giving evidence in public are to be heard in private, and to have their names kept secret. No compulsory or special powers have been conferred upon the Commission, but if this proves a hindrance, says Lord Justice Romer, "we shall not hesitate to ask the Prime Minister to procure for us the necessary powers."