Mew Enrriores.—In the "Temple Classics" (J. M. Dent and Co.,
ls. 6d. net per volume), William Carton's Golden Legend, Vols. III. and IV.—In the "Chiswick Shakespeare" (G. Bell and Sons, is. ad. each net), with Introduction and Notes by John Dennis, and Illustrations by Byam Shaw, we have Twelfth Night and King Richard IL—In the "Author's Edition of Mark Twain's Works" (Chatto and Windus, 12s. 6d. each), Vols. XXI. (being the third of Short Stories and Sketches) and XXII. (Literary Essays), concluding with some "In Memoriam" verses to Olivia Susan Clemens, by S. L. C., and a Biographical Sketch" of Mark Twain himself. This last contains the highly interesting account of Mr. Clemens's financial misfortunes, and of his most honourable and able recovery from them.—Prineiples of Chess in Theory and Practice. By James Mason. (Horace Cox. 2s. 6d. net.)—The Law Relat- ing to the Remuneration of Commission Agents. By William Evans, B.A. Edited by W. de Bracy Herbert, MA. (Same publisher.)