* * The Peace Treaty with Turkey was signed at
long last on Tuesday, at_ Lausanne. _ Serbia . alone _ withheld her assent, because she dislikes the scheme for imposing part of the old Ottoman Debt on the lands that were formerly under Turkish misrule.- The-. Bolsheviks- were not repre- - sented, but they have announced that .they will sign the Straits-.Convention under protest ; they see in this a sort- of recognition, all the more precious because America has again repeated her refusal to have anything to do with them. It is generally assumed that the Angora Government will ratify the Treaty. From Angora's point of view, indeed, the Treaty is all that could. be desired, just as from the European standpoint it is most unsatisfactory. Its only good feature is that it ends the state of war persisting, since 1914. Lord Curzon, but for whose patience and moderation we should not have had even this imperfect peace, deserves hearty congratu- lation. He was left, at the fall of the Coalition, in- a seemingly. hopeless diplomatic -position, through no fault of his own, but he has made the best of it.
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