Mr. Baldw In Went On, In A Passage Which Should
be marked by anyone who is doubtful as to the Prime Minister's economic views, to insist that credit alone cannot restore the trade of the world and cannot alone give us that......
The Dockers' Strike Still Continues In London And Hull, But
as we go to press on Thursday the prospects of a settlement seem to be slightly improved. In these circum- stances we shall refrain. from any discussion, either of details or of......
News Of The Week.
T HERE is only one fact to be recorded in regard to the negotiations with France as to the German Note. It is that France is preparing her reply to our communication, and that......
The Prime Minister Addressed A Very Interesting Speech On...
to the bankers and merchants of the City of London at a dinner given at the Mansion House. Those in charge of the public purse since the first year of peace had reduced the......
Mr. Baldwin Also Clearly Sees That The Real Economic Trouble
at the present moment is that none of the other belligerent countries!haayet been able-to put. its financial-, house in order and to tread that path of rigid economy and......