All Aboard. By W. H. Koebel. Illustrated by H. M. Bateman and others. (South. American Publications, Ltd. Gs. net.) Mr. Koebel has that genuine wit which is so rare in the professional comic writer. His work, therefore, does not often make you laugh, but quietly and continuously " tickles " your sense of humour. It is also never in bad taste. The personality of the author must be charming—or he is a very gay deceiver. Mr. Bateman's illustrations are, of course, admirable, but " the others " have done well to remain anonymous. The book is an account of what people and things are met with on a voyage to South America,-a subject with which Mr. Koebel is eminently suited to deal, and we are certain, although we have never taken that voyage, that he has merely caricatured and never invented.