Odd Fish. Described by Stacey Aumonier and Drawn by George
Belcher. (Heinemann. is. 6d. net.)
A book with a declared high motive—" to make a modest contribution to the historical record of our times." The collaborators do not fail.' The types which they have pre- sented are true, and they are the types with which History, in her pre-occupation with men and matters of obvious importance, has rarely to do. They will provide the future with that background of ordinary queer men which the i chronicles of the past ignored. It is unnecessary to urge Mr. Belcher's power to depict character. The majority of the drawings are entirely successful. Here and there, notably with Mr. Chortleband, the old sportsman, " alone with his memories, his cups, his oars, his old school caps. the gloves he wore when he boxed Charlie Ledbright," Mr. Belcher is not quite " there." Mr. Aumonier is a fine artist. We like his easy, but never slipshod, style. He is a writer who is not afraid of the spoken language. Out of colloquialism he makes beauty.