Sir: May I as a comparatively real 18-year- old offer Auberon Waugh (Another voice, 21 July) some small reassurance by sug- gesting to Rhoda Koenig (Letters, 21 July) that anyone who sends a 400-word diatribe from New York attacking Peregrine Wor- sthorne in particular is, as my pre-teenage brother would say, 'a bit mad'.
I do not think there are any 'racist' epithets applied to us English, perhaps because of what Rhoda Koenig so neatly and accurately terms our unassailable su- periority, but I myself do find Ordinary everyday Americanisms like 'eat shit' rather hard to swallow. Why do nutters always use scatological expressions?
Carl Hartley
Oakbank, Stroud Road, Gloucester