L'argot Suldois
Sir: M. Pleurniche and M. Jhonston (Let- ters, 21 July) have alike ignored what is surely the essential distinction in these matters: that between sexual or digestive swearing,......
Sir: May I as a comparatively real 18-year- old offer Auberon Waugh (Another voice, 21 July) some small reassurance by sug- gesting to Rhoda Koenig (Letters, 21 July) that......
Sir: I am appalled. Until I saw your issue of 7 July I thought the Spectator was a suitable paper which could be safely left, without censorship, lying in the withdraw- ing......
Papal Bank
Sir: I for one would be interested in learning from Jock Bruce-Gardyne (The economy, 7 July) how far he thinks the run on Continental Illinois has been influ- enced, not only by......
Mirror men Sir: I see that Paul Johnson's latest act (The press, 21 July) is an ability to lick Robert Maxwell's boots while simul- taneously snarling at the journalists on the......
Sir: Every Time I Read Paul Johnson Urging That John
Pilger and I should be sacked or neutered at the Daily Mirror, I remember a delightful lunch some 20 years ago in which I was offered the post of parliamen- tary correspondent......
Scouting For Selous
Sir: I am gathering material for a biography of Frederick Courtenay Selous, the African explorer and hunter, and would very much like to hear from anyone able to contribute......