28 JUNE 1856, Page 2

One of the most striking incidents arising out of the

inunda- tions in France is reported in a letter by M. Yerdier, the able colleague of M. De Metz. It recounts how the boys of Mettray, sent to assist in maintaining the main dike which protected Tours against the united flood of the Loire and the Cher, la- boured with an unceasing cheerfulness and activity even more remarkable than their contempt of danger. Their discipline, which was perfect, will occasion no surprise to any who know the history of Mettray. The people of Tours could not be in- sensible to these disinterested services ; and the city struck a medal to commemorate the courage shown by the young colons of Mettray in aiding to maintain the town against the floods of the Loire. Englishmen engaged in our own Reformatory move- ment will congratulate the admirable De Metz .on this crowning testimony to his labours : everybody knows that the boys are the pupils in the French Itedhill—it is to commemorate the conduct of those boys that an ancient city has struck a medal.