Many Inquiries Were Made Yesterday At Buckingham Palace...
the Princess Royal. The following reply was given- " The Princess Royal's arm s which was severely burnt a few days ago by her dress having caught fire, is much easier, and her......
_apropos Of The Recent Scene At The Levee, The Times
prints this para- graph— "We are requested to state, that the American gentleman to whom ad- mission was refused to her Majesty's levee on Wednesday last is a Professor in the......
Irish Education Divisions.
The split among Members of the Derby ex-Ministry on the Irish Educe-. Lion question, as practically exemplified .at the division of Monday last, Mends as follows. For Mr.......
The Journals Now State That The New Bishop Of Gloucester
and Bristol will be the Reverend Charles Baring of All Souls, Langham Place. The journals now state that the new Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol will be the Reverend Charles......
64ratrrs Hub 51fithir.
Although the play Pia dei Tolomei is as paltry an affair as could be expected from a dramatist who had set himself the task of concocting something out,of nothing for the sake......
" Behind The Scenes Of Legislation " What Does This
mean ? The Mae. Opposition. The result is a " compromise," under the conditions of which Pahnerston is to receive the support- for the Appellate Jurisdiction - Bill in the......
Money Market.
STOCK .EXCHANGE, Feiner AFTERNOON. The English Funds continue on the ascendant : the operations of the pub- lic are at present based upon a feeling of progressive ease in - the......