THE fall of Khiva is at last confirmed. In spite of the horrible weather under which one column succumbed, and retreated after 60 deaths from sunstroke, General Kauffman pushed forward, and on June 3 attacked a body of Khivese cavalry and pursued them to Khasarasp, the strongest fortress in the Khanate, sur- rounded by an immense wall protected by a deep fosse. The ,Orenburg detachment also occupied Kungrad without a struggle, -the people at once flying before a few shells. The exact date on which General Kauffman occupied Khiva is not known, but it is known that it has fallen, and that the Khan is in the General's hands. This capture of a city deemed impregnable throughout 'Central Asia will produce a profound impression, and in fact demoralise every State not protected by Great Britain. It seems cer- tain either that the Khivese were unwilling to fight for the Khan, having eaten out their loyalty, or that the new shells carried with the expedition had the bewildering effect shells had on our own wooden ships. The question now is whether the Russians will retire, and it may become a most serious one. They stand pledged to go back, but are most unwilling to do so.