28 JUNE 1873, page 14

Vesimies And Parish Councils. [to The Editor Of The...

SIR,—When "every parishioner who pays to the Church-rate, or scot and lot, and no other" (Burn), is a member of the parish vestry, and eligible to its every office, from......

Education Amendment Bill And Mr. Seebohm.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOIC1 Sm.,—If Mr. Seebohm knew well the rural districts of the Midland Counties, he would not, I venture to think, regret so deeply the Bishop of......


M. RERAN'S ANTECHRIST."* WE read M. Renan with more satisfaction, it must be confessed, the further his subject removes him from the central figure of the his tory of......

The Association For The Organisation Of' Academical Study.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR, —In a notice of Mr. Percival's pamphlet on the" Universities. and Great Towns," in the Spectator of June 21, you draw atten- tion......