It is suggested that the Shah should be seriously pressed
to grant religious toleration in Persia, or at least put in abeyance- the law which punishes Mohammedan apostacy with death. We fear the petitioners, right as they are, must wait a little for any- law of this kind, though it is not difficult to overlook any case as it arises. This Shah is supported on his throne mainly by the priesthood, who in such a decree would see not the victory of Christianity, but of the Sufee sects which honeycomb all Persia.. A decree in favour of Christianity alone might easily be obtained, on the ground of State necessities ; but it would be too unjust a thing to ask for. We must wait till the Shah has been shown, that under English rule in India Mohammedans make hundreds of thousands of converts, including in one case (Canara) am entire Christian village.