The Prince of Orange died at the Hague on the
afternoon of Jane 21st. It appears that, contrary to our impression, the- right of females to succeed to the throne of the Netherlands is- recognised by Europe as well as by the Constitution of 1848, and the Princess Wilhelmina, four years old, is therefore heiress presumptive to the Crown. She will not, however, inherit the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, in which the German law of suc- cession prevails. The Dutch Government intend, it is stated, to propose at once the Law of Regency provided for by the Con- stitution, and will arrange that the Queen, with certain nobles and Ministers to assist her, shall be the Regent. It is not- believed that Germany will oppose this arrangement, though the claim of the Duke of Nassau, as the first male agnate, to a place in the Regency, may be warmly advocated.