A Friend In Ten Thousand. By Mrs. J. Harcourt. 2
vols. (Remington and Co.)—This tale consists, in fact, of two tales joined together in a not very artistic fashion. "The friend in ten thou- sand "appears—indeed, plays an......
Nonconformity In Herts. By William Urwick, M.a. (hazel!,...
Viney.)—Mr. Urwick ingeniously begins his history of Hertfordshire Nonconformity with St. Alban (not feeling, however, quite certain that there was such a person), whom he......
Keep Troth.*
A STORY that begins with a case of kidnapping, related some- what after the fashion of Eugene Sue in Le J`uif Errant, will probably have little attraction for the lovers of that......
Current Literature.
Gems of Chinese Literature. By Herbert A. Giles. (Bernard Quaritch.)—Mr. Herbert Giles has in this volume (ornamented, by the way, with appropriate quaintness) added another to......
A Jaunt In A Junk. (kegan Paul, Trench, And Co.)—the
" junk " was really not a junk, but an Indian harbour-boat, which two brothers hire at Bombay and take for a cruise along the coast southwards. This account of their voyage is......
Kirby In The Dale. By John Rye, M.a. 3 Vols.
(W. Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—The new rector of Kirby in the Dale was certainly justified in thinking that he bad been brought by circum. stances to a strange place. College......