28 MARCH 1829, Page 14


BtnTirs.-On the 18th inst. at Frognel, Hampstead, the wife of the Rev. R. Simpson, M.A. of twin daughters-At Sir George Nayler's, in Hanover-square, the Lady of the Rev. Thomas Nayter, M.A. of a son-At Charleville Forest, the Lady of Lieu.-Col. Marlay, C.B. of a son and heir-On the 24th inst. in Clarges-street, the Lady of Sir William Scott, of Ancrum, Bart. of a son-At Belfitst, the Lady of Sir Stephen May, of a daughter-At Melbourne, Derbyshire, the Lady of the Rev. J. A. Stewart, of a sun and daughter-On the 11th inst. at the Consulate, Antwerp, the Baroness de Ilechpied Larpent, of a daughter-On the 27th inst. in Eaton-place, the Lady Caroline Calcraft, of daughter.

MARRIAGES.-On the 18th inst. Mr. W. Sheppard, of Peterborough, Northamp- tonshire, to Elizabeth Sarah, eldest daughter of J. N. Hallett, Esq. of Mornington- crescent-At Siclmouth, William Somerville Abmuty, Esq. only child of Colonel Thomas Arthur Stables Ahmuty, H. E. I. C. Service, to Edith, youngest daughter of the Rev. C. Rigby Collins, A.M. of the Fort Field-At Bath, on the 20th inst. the Rev. James Hamilton Chichester, son of the late Colonel Chichester, of Arlington. court, Devonshire, to Mary Elizabeth Bateman, of Darley-abbey, Derbyshire, only daughter of the litte Richard Bateman, Esq. of the said county-On the 28th inst. at St. Pancras New Church, James Cockburn, Esq. of Devonshire-square, to Madeline Susan, eldest daughter of John Dunlop, Esq. 'fain, Rosshire, and niece to Sir Tho- mas Wallace Dunlop, Bart.-At St. George's, Hanover-square, the Earl Nelson, to llilare, widow of George Ulric Barlow, Esq, eldest son of Sir George Barlow, Bart. G.C.B. and third daughter of Sir Robert Barlow, K.C.B.-At Bath, the Rev. Heury Stoultouse, WA. Prebendary of Ledbury, and nephew of the late Bishop of Here- ford, to Louisa Burr, eldest daughter of .Tohn Taylor, Esq. M.D. of Bath-On the 26th inst. at Old Windsor, the Hon. Caroline Flower, second daughter of Viscount Ashbrook, to Henry Every, Esq. of Eggington Hall, Derby.

DEATtis.-At Rome, Dr. Fortis, the General of the Order of the Jesuits. The late General of the Order was a Venetian by birth. Ile was promoted to that office about eight years ago, being then in his 72d year-At Cumming Convent, Dr. Col- lenridge, Vicar Apostolic of the Western District-On the 22d inst. at the Manor- house, Wandsworth, Marianne, wife of the Lord Bishop of Chester-On the 21st inst. at fining, Kent, Henry Nevill, aged three years and a half, the eldest son of the lion. and Rev. '11111i:int Nevill-On the 21st inst. aged I8 months, Viscount Pe- vensey, only son of the Earl of Sheffield-At York, the Rev. H. Kitchingman, Pre. bendary of York-At Tullochgriban, in the 98th year of his age, Alexander Grant, Esq, after a short illness-At Camho-house, N.B. Anne, Countess of Kellie-The Rev. Robert Nares, Archdeacon of Stafford, Canon of Lichfield, and Rector of All Balton's, London-wall-On the 26th inst. in Montague-place, Henry Base, Esq. chief cashier of the Bank of England-At Heolygare, in the parish of Glasbury, Herefordshire, Ann Williams, aged 104.