28 MARCH 1835, Page 10



On the 21st inst., at Worlingliam Hall, near Beccles, Viscountess ACHESON, of a aaughter. In Eaton Place, the Lady of Sir Grown GREY, Dart., M.P., or a son. In Duke Street, Westminster, the Lady of the Solicitor-General, of a daughter. The Lady of GLENNE EARLE WELDS% E5(1, M.P., of a daughter. At Gerrard's Cross, Bucks, the Lady of Lieut.-W.1'. DUNDAS, Bengal Army, of SOD.

In Grosvenor Street, the Lady of J. BARLOW 110Y, Esq., M.P., of a son, still-hero. At Scothiw Hall, the Lady Duattssr. of a daughter. In Berkeley Square, the Lady of ADEL Smut!, Esq., M.P., of a daughter. At Lee, Kent, the Lady of Ronear Beim, Esc/. of' a son. On the 17th inst., at Linden 11111, Berkshire, the Lady of J. J. BULKELEY, Esq., of a daughter. On the 24th inst., at Sandwell. Staffordshire, the Countess of DARTMOUTH, of a son,


On the 241 inst., at Berne, at the House of O. R. !goatee, Esq., his Britannic Ma- jesty's Minister Plenipotentiary for Switzerland, JAMES DENNISTOIIN, Esq., of Den- nistoun, to ISABELLA KATHERINA, eldest daughter of James Wolfe Murray, Esq., of Cringletie. On the 10t11 of December last, at St. George's Church, Madras, Lieut. Hewity CHARLES Goserro, of the 7t1, Regiment of the Madras Native Infantry, second son of John Gosling, Esq., or Gloucester Place, New Road, Marylehone, to AN sa, eldest daughter of Lieut.-Col. William Monteith, K.L.S., Superintending Engineer at that Presidency. On the 260i inst., atiSt. George's, Hanover Square. GEORGE B. MATTHEW. EMI.. Lieu- tenant and Captain in the Coldstream Guards, to As 8i, only daughter of Henry Hoare. Esq., and granddaughter of Sir Richard Cult Hoare, Bart„ of Stourhead, :Wiltshire.


On the 10th inst., at Elie. JAMES Cs werA IRS BRUCE, Esq., late of Baldwistie and Tillicoultry, eldest son of James Bruce Carstairs, Esq., of Kinross nod Tiilicoultry, and representative of Sir W'. Bruce, Bart., of Kinross. On the 19th inst.. in Lansdowne Crescent, Bath, Limit:Gen. Sir WILLIAM COCK• nrtme, Bart., of Cockburn and Ryslaw (N. It.), in his 67th year. On the 18th inst. at his house ill Catherine Place, Bath, in his 8th y ear, General Sir HENRY JOHNSON, Bart, G.C.11., Colonel of the 5th Foot, and Governor of Ross Castle.

At Bansha Glebe, Lady BLACKALL, in her 101st year, relict of the late Sir Thomas Illackall, of Dublin.

At Windmill Hill. Sussex, EDWARD JEREMIAH CURTEIS, Esq., in his 73(1 year, Ma. gistrate, Deputy Lieutenant for Sussex and Kent, and for years M.P. for the former nounty. The Rev. JOHN STEWART, formerly Second Master of the Charterhouse, and Rector of Little 11911ingbury, Essex,

In Bath Place, GEORGE KIALLMARK. Esq.. composer of music, in his 55th year.

On the 18th of October, at Bangalore, by the upsetting of a boat, FREDERICK Bolin- CRIER SETON, Cornet of the 7th Madras Light Cavalry. in his 18th year.

At Brompton, Ii. WAITKMAN, Esq., eldest son of the late Alderman Waithman, ML'. in his 46th year.

On the 21st inst., suddenly, Mr. CHARLES Witmer, late of the Opera Colonnade, wine-merchant On the 26th inst„ in Upper Gower Street, the Reverend WILLIAM AGUTTER, in Itis 77th year.