28 MARCH 1835, page 9

• 1)(kitscript

SATURDAY. Rumours of the resignation of Ministers were current yesterday. It was s.'Id that Sir Roncter PEEL had been to Windsor, and that Earl GREY had been consulted by the......

Bc Cauntro.

The Birminulom Joupual states, that the Rev. J. Ellis, Vicar of Wootton Irarren, near Henley-on-A Men, lately obtained a warrant of distress against it parishioner for the......


Sir Robert Got-den has been appointed Ambassador to Russia. He is Lord Aberdeen's brother. Lord Stuart de Rothsay will, it is said, succeed Lord Ponsonby at Constantinople. Mr.......


The Tories made a prodigious fuss about the rioting of the Reform party at the Pertliskre election, and some men were tried last week at Edinburgh, reneged with creating a......


It is wee said that Sir Edward Sugden has consented to resume the duties of Irish Chancellor. The report of his arrival io London, weieli wa copied 1: om the Herold last week,......

In The List Or Absentees On Mr. Spring Wee' Motion,

published in our second edition last week, the name of Mr. Henry Marsland was erroneously placed, as he voted with his party in the minority. With respect to the 31embers who......

It Is Stated In The .3teswyer Des Chambres, That Two

of the piaci:ere at St. Pelagic have made choice of the Abbe de la Mennais and 31r. trainee' O'Connell as their Counsel in the approaching trial before the Chamber of Peers. In......

Nionev Market.

The Consel Market has been very heavy since our last ; anti although it ha evinced occasionally symptoms of fitmness, its general disposition has been downwards. The business......