28 MARCH 1835, Page 9

It is stated in the .3Teswyer des Chambres, that two

of the piaci:ere at St. Pelagic have made choice of the Abbe de la Mennais and 31r. trainee' O'Connell as their Counsel in the approaching trial before the Chamber of Peers.

In the Southern provinces of France, the cholera is exciting the greatest alarm ; and at Lyons the symptoms are ascribed, as has lit e the case in other great cities on the approach of en epidemic, to the effect of poison.

An extraordinary circumstance took place in Jamaica on Saturday and Sunday, the te4th and eeth of February. On the teeth, the sun :7 'le peered from two r.ar. until between three and four deeply eclipsed. ea the mornine of the ileitle the houses were covered with a fine dust, re- sembling White lime mixed with relies ; end although swept and wipad, eonte voltenie eruption on the South American coast. yered with this strange mixture. Vessels at sea were covered with white ashy powder, which is supposed to have been produced by they could not be kept clean. The plantaie and COCOA _IVOATI_W_CI: ri- ne Soonol Letter of NESTOA to Sir Itol.ert Peel taiuvaiaably pcoponed; alaug a ith