28 MARCH 1835, Page 9


Sir Robert Got-den has been appointed Ambassador to Russia. He is Lord Aberdeen's brother. Lord Stuart de Rothsay will, it is said, succeed Lord Ponsonby at Constantinople. Mr. Law, the Recorder of London, has been elected without opposi- tion for Cambridge Ulliversity, and has taken his seat in the House of Commons.

Dr. Nicholl, now it Lord of the Treasury, has been reelected for Cardiff.

The Speaker and Mrs. Abercromby left Fenton's Hotel on Satur- day, for their house in Carlton Gardens.

The Astronomical Society have obtained apartments in Somerset House, through the interference of the Duke of Sussex. The num- ber of Fellows and Associates of the Soriety is now 328.

A fruitless search of some daya was time.e for the will of the late Earl of Scarborough ; at length an old servant disclosed the secret place where it was deposited, and stated that some time before he had received his Lordallip's command, when informing 1:im where it was to be found, " if Ile should be the survivor, not to reveal where it was, until he had been dead three days, but to let them have a good hunt for it." These instructions were fulfilled to the letter. One thousand pounds, it is au a, was found inclosed in the will. Au (id portma emu e as thrown asi le as worthless by ti e person in change of rap e's tied. valuables; a set air, however, suggested that it had better be opened, when it sesta iieted to contain securities to the value of 18,0004

A tnost singular event has occurred in the family of a noble lord, which, however unpleasant to the feelings of the parties concerned, it will be impossible long to keep from the knowledge of the public. We have, therefore, no scruple in stating what we have beard respect- ing it. Lady B. having lost some jewels last week, in the same myste- rious way in which other robberies of a similar kind have been emu- netted, sent for two police-officers to institute a rigorous inquiry amongst the domestics of the establishment. The only individual whom her Ladyship proposed to exempt from peratnial search was her own

DID id ; 'of whose integrity and excellent qualities, although she had been with her but a few months, Lady B. entertained so high an opinion

that she could not bear the idea of' treating her as an object of suspicion. The officers arrived ; and, after a very short visit, mite at once to the astonished Lady 13. and told her, " Matlaw, not only must your maid

be searched, but she is the only person here who needs be searched ; for

the maid has got your jewels ; and, what is more—the maid is a man !" The fact was soon proved to the satisfaction of all beholders. The

maid was a returned convict—a young IIUM sentenced to transportetion for life for various ingenious robberies, but who had made his escape, and assumed female apparel as the best mode of rewriting to this coun- try with impunity. Of his extraordinary dexterity TM better proof caa be given than the fact, that for eight months he had lived in Laey B. 'A family without the slightest suspicion being entertained as to his sex, and had won the confidence of his mistress by the tutiform propriety of his conduct. The affair is a very awkward one, and we really do eot know %%11311)sec:unions ladies must take in future when forced to chat ge their personal attendants. We pity lady B. moat sincerely for the se. ry painful situation in which she has been placed, and wish that it were possible to guard effectually against similar impositions.—Ileat;;•r1 Rfformer. [It is stated that Lady Beauchamp is not the Lady B. here referred to.;